Entity Resolution in ArangoDB
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
This post will dive into the world of Entity Resolution in ArangoDB. This is a companion piece for our Lunch and Learn session, Graph & Beyond Lunch Break #15: Entity Resolution.
In this article we will:
- give a brief background in Entity Resolution (ER)
- discuss some use-cases for ER
- discuss some techniques for performing ER in ArangoDB
June 2021: What’s the Latest with ArangoDB?
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Hello Community,
Welcome to the sixth ArangoDB newsletter of 2021! Hard to believe we are already half-way through 2021 🤯
In this edition, we are excited to share:
- Our next Graph & Beyond Lunch Break: Kubernetes Meets Graphs
- Developer deployments for ArangoDB ArangoGraph (NEW!)
- Our first online Meetup of 2021
- The latest blog post in our ArangoML series
- Our growing avocado grove (aka we are hiring!)
ArangoDB Newsletter #133: May Updates and Insights
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Hello Community,
Welcome to the fifth ArangoDB newsletter of 2021!
In this edition, we are excited to share:
- An upcoming webinar about ArangoDB 3.8
- The latest blog post in our ArangoML series
- Our next Lunch Break spotlighting Fuzzy Search
- Our growing avocado grove (aka we are hiring!)
We hope you enjoy it!
ArangoDB Newsletter #132: April Updates and Insights
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Hello Community,
Welcome to the fourth ArangoDB newsletter of 2021!
In this edition, we share details about: our latest and greatest lunch breaks, part four of our ArangoML blog series, as well as a guest article featured in DZone about the C++ memory model.
We hope you enjoy!
ArangoDB Newsletter #131: March Updates and Insights
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
We’ve officially entered Spring this month, so perhaps it’s time for a little spring cleaning? Here’s a few suggestions from us:
- Optimize your AQL queries by checking out our latest lunch breaks
- Learn something new with our ArangoML blog series
Anything else you’d like to learn about? Drop us a line anytime at community [at] arangodb [dot] com.
ArangoDB Newsletter #130: February Updates and Insights
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Hello community!
This month we post on the blog bearing gifts up upcoming events, content we think you might enjoy, as well as suggestions around how to get involved with the community. Read on!
We’d also love to hear from *you*! Drop us a line anytime at community [at] arangodb [dot] com.
ArangoDB Newsletter #129: Stay Informed with the Latest Updates
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Happy New Year to our amazing community!
We hope your year is off to a good start. Even though things don’t seem too different (yet), we’re definitely feeling a fresh mindset and doing our best to stay hopeful and healthy.
Here’s what we’re excited about so far:
- Our new ‘Graph & Beyond’ Lunch Break series
- An upcoming webinar about Graph Analytics
- Our ArangoML blog series
Read on for more!
Red Hat Certifies ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Hi all!
I think this year has thrown us for quite a loop, full of unexpected occurrences, both joyous and difficult. With everything going on in the world at the moment, we feel it’s more important than ever to celebrate what you can .
So with that, just a quick note from us that our Kubernetes Operator has achieved Red Hat OpenShift Operator Certification. And as far as we can tell, this means we are the first graph database to reach full certification for Red Hat OpenShift. Huzzah!
(more…)Efficient Massive Inserts into ArangoDB with Node.js
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Nothing performs faster than arangoimport and arangorestore for bulk loading or massive inserts into ArangoDB. However, if you need to do additional processing on each row inserted, this blog will help with that type of functionality.
If the data source is a streaming solution (such as Kafka, Spark, Flink, etc), where there is a need to transform data before inserting into ArangoDB, this solution will provide insight into that scenario as well. Read more
ArangoDB and the Cloud-Native Ecosystem: Integration Insights
ArangoDB is joining CNCF to continue its focus on providing a scalable native multi-model database, supporting Graph, Document, and Key-Value data models in the Cloud Native ecosystem.
ArangoDB is a scalable multi-model model database. What does that mean?
You might have already encountered different NoSQL databases specialized for different data models e.g., graph or document databases. However most real-life use-cases actually require a combination of different data models like Single View of Everything, Machine Learning or even Case Management projects to name but a few.
In such scenarios, single data model databases typically require merging data from different databases and often even reimplementing some database logic in the application layer as well as the effort to operate multiple database in a production environment.
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