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Projects and Integrations

Please replace the copy in the first box to read: "ArangoDB is an open-source database project that heavily relies on contributions from the community. Most of the client drivers are maintained by the community, and we are happy to explore new and updated projects nearly every day. Big thanks for that!

Here, you will find a short list of some community-driven projects around ArangoDB. Some tools, connectors, and hack projects that might interest you. The authors would love to hear from you, exploring and testing their tools. Feel free to drop us a line or contribute if you can help to improve."

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Connectors and Plugins

Kubernetes logo

Official Kubernetes integration – ArangoDB Operator. Run ArangoDB on Kubernetes and do stateful cluster deployments in five minutes.

Connect BI tools to ArangoDB

Looking for a way to connect your BI solution with ArangoDB? You can use one of our BI Connectors – Qlik, Tableau, Power BI or Grafana to fetch the data from ArangoDB.


Our official Spring Data integration provides an Inversion of Control (IoC) Container to manage Plain-Old-Java-Objects (POJO) through Dependency Injection (DI).

Apache Spark logo

Spark ArangoDB Connector for Spark provides integration between ArangoDB and Apache Spark. With this connector, you have access to all Spark libraries. Spark is a general-purpose distributed data processing engine.


sails-arango – ArangoDB connector for Sails.js & Waterline originally by Taneli Leppä, now Gabriel Letarte (gabriel-letarte). It provides a set of declarative interfaces, conventions and best practices for integrating with all sorts of data sources.


Loopback – ArangoDB connector for LoopBack by Matteo Padovano (mrbatista). LoopBack is a highly extensible, open-source Node.js framework that enables you to quickly compose scalable APIs, runs on top of the Express web framework and conforms to the Swagger 2.0 specification.


Guacaphant – ArangoDB data source for Cascading by Patrick Davenport (deusdat). Cascading is a platform for building data apps on Hadoop. Guacaphant is a “tap” (Data Source Connectivity) that allows using ArangoDB as a data source for inputs/outputs in Cascading.

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Community-supported Projects (by Language)

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arango-session – a Ring compatible session manager by Patrick Davenport.

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waller – a Clojure library for using Ragtime by Patrick Davenport.

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LAS2peer-AnnotationService – a service to store annotations in ArangoDB by Sadik Bakiu. LAS2peer is a Java-based server framework for developing and deploying services in a distributed Peer-to-Peer (P2P) environment.

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zeppelin-arangodb-interpreter – An ArangoDB Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin by Bruno Bonnin. This interpreter only supports AQL. Zeppelin is a web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics.

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graphiti – make your hashes know about ArangoDB by Mike Williamson.

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aqbjs– ArangoDB Query Builder by Alan Plum. It allows constructing complex AQL queries with a pure JavaScript fluent API.

This is just a short list of community projects, we will add more tools on notice.
Built something cool with ArangoDB? Give us a shout and
share with the rest of the community.

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