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ArangoDB Enterprise

Unlock the Full Potential of On-Prem Deployment: ArangoDB Enterprise offers a self-managed, feature-rich graph database solution designed for unmatched performance, security, and control in your data environment.

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"We needed a Graph database that allowed us to deal with large relationship graphs at scale, but also deploy quickly and efficiently. Arango was the right choice for this."

– Ray Gill & Jim Davidson Enterprise Data Architect
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(no credit card required), and experience the shortest time to value for a self-managed graph DB.

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with flexible pricing plans to minimize opex and consolidate multiple databases.


with Graphs

Easily distribute billions of highly connected data points across large clusters. ArangoDB’s SmartGraph feature ensures excellent query performance. No query changes. No limits. Just shard and execute.

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Flexible Sharding

ArangoDB Enterprise's Flexible Sharding Strategies

Hash, Range, Smart, and OneShard—allow precise data distribution across machines. These strategies are tailored for varying application needs, ensuring swift querying, robust availability, and scalable performance, allowing users to efficiently balance load and optimize database operations for enhanced functionality.


Run Multi-Model Graphs at Scale

Configure your graph as a SatelliteGraph for close teamwork with other data models. Shard large document collections to a cluster and let your graph orbit each shard for local query execution. Designed for Permission Management, IoT Analytics and so much more.

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join operations

Speed Queries with Smartjoins

SmartJoins are a solution for running fast distributed JOIN operations against sharded collections by utilizing a smart sharding scheme allowing JOIN operations with minimal network traffic.

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Handle Celebrities Efficiently

Create vertex-centric indices for the selectivity needed to handle highly connected supernodes. Multi-attribute support within the index provides the selectivity for optimal performance.

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Get Started
Free Today

(no credit card required), and experience the shortest time to value for a self-managed graph DB.

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Get The
Lowest TCO

with flexible pricing plans to minimize opex and consolidate multiple databases.

Get Started With ArangoGraph

Experience the shortest time to value for a hosted graph DB (no credit card required).