ArangoDB in 10 Minutes with Node.js: Quickstart Guide

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

This is a short tutorial to get started with ArangoDB using Node.js. In less than 10 minutes you can learn how to use ArangoDB with Node. This tutorial uses a free ArangoDB Sandbox running on ArangoGraph that requires no sign up.

Let’s Get Started!

We will use the Repl live coding environment for the rest of the tutorial. This also requires no sign up and should already be ready to go. Read more

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When Exceptions Collide: Managing Errors in ArangoDB

Managing Exception Collisions | ArangoDB BlogThis is a story of an excursion to the bottom of a deep rabbit hole, where I discovered a foot gun in `gcc`’s `libgcc`. The investigation has cost me several days and I hope that by writing this up I can entertain others and save them the journey.


If a C++ application is compiled with GCC on Linux and statically linked against a non-GLibC C-library (like `libmusl`), then there is a danger of a data race which leads to a busy loop happening after `main()` and all static destructors have finished. The race happens, if the application does not use `pthread_cancel` explicitly and if the very first exception which is thrown in the processes’ life is thrown in two different threads at the same time.
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Building HIPAA Compliant Applications With ArangoDB

ArangoDB HIPAA compliantProtecting personal data is already quite high on (hopefully) all priority lists. Protecting personal healthcare information is even more important. If you are a company or organization in the health services industry and you work with personal patient data, then you have most probably heard about HIPAA compliance. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a law passed in 1996 by US Congress that sets standards and protocols for the protection of patient data in the healthcare industry.


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ArangoDB Cluster Administration Course Released

Cluster Administration course will take you all the way from concept and anatomy of the ArangoDB cluster to maintenance, resilience and troubleshooting of your distributed environment.

When data size or workload makes purchasing of a single database server prohibitive one needs to rethink the system architecture and consider to cluster a farm of more affordable machines. While ArangoDB clusters bring additional added value like seamless runtime scaling and thin provisioning, their management can look testy and challenging. Read more

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Configuring ArangoDB-PHP to use active failover

This article is about setting up active failover for ArangoDB-PHP, the PHP client driver for ArangoDB. It requires ArangoDB-PHP 3.3.2 or higher, and an ArangoDB server version of 3.3.4 or higher.

Interested in trying out ArangoDB? Fire up your cluster in just a few clicks with ArangoDB ArangoGraph: the Cloud Service for ArangoDB. Start your free 14-day trial here

Active failover: basic setup

Historically, ArangoDB-PHP has been able to connect to a single ArangoDB endpoint, i.e. one combination of IP address and port number.

To connect to an ArangoDB server that is running on localhost or on a remote server, simply set the `OPTION_ENDPOINT` item in the `ConnectionOptions` and connect: Read more

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Using the WebUI AQL Editor – Basics

The ArangoDB query language (AQL) can be used to retrieve and modify data that is stored in ArangoDB. The AQL editor in the web interface is useful for running ad hoc AQL queries and trying things out.

The editor is split into three parts. The center section allows you to write your query and modify your query bind parameters. At the bottom you can either run the query or explain it, allowing to explain the query and inspect its execution plan. This can be used to check if the query uses indexes, and which. Here more information about optimizing a query. Read more

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Milestone ArangoDB 3.4:
ArangoSearch – Information retrieval with ArangoDB

For the upcoming ArangoDB 3.4 release we’ve implemented a set of information retrieval features exposed via new database object `View`. The `View` object is meant to be treated as another data source accessible via AQL and the concept itself is pretty similar to a classical “materialized” view in SQL.

While we are still working on completing the feature, you can already try our retrieval engine in the Milestone of the upcoming ArangoDB 3.4 released today. Read more

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ArangoDB | Introduction to Fuerte: ArangoDB C++ Driver

In this post, we will introduce you to our new ArangoDB C++ diver fuerte. fuerte allows you to communicate via HTTP and VST with ArangoDB instances. You will learn how to create collections, insert documents, retrieve documents, write AQL Queries and how to use the asynchronous API of the driver.

Requirements (Running the sample)

Please download and inspect the sample described in this post. The sample consists of a C++ – Example Source Code – File and a CMakeLists.txt. You need to install the fuerte diver, which can be found on github, into your system before compiling the sample. Please follow the instructions provided in the drivers Read More

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Performance analysis with pyArango: Part III Measuring possible capacity with usage Scenarios

So you measured and tuned your system like described in the Part I and Part II of these blog post series. Now you want to get some figures how many end users your system will be able to serve. Therefore you define “scenarios” which will be typical for what your users do. Read more

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ArangoDB | PyArango Performance Analysis – Transaction Inspection

Following the previous blog post on performance analysis with pyArango, where we had a look at graphing using statsd for simple queries, we will now dig deeper into inspecting transactions. At first, we split the initialization code and the test code.

Initialisation code

We load the collection with simple documents. We create an index on one of the two attributes: Read more

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