Open Source Petri Dish as Code: ArangoDB Innovation
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
There are many things the global coronavirus pandemic crisis has shown us, but there are a few things that stand out. One of them is that the current vaccine and drug development process takes a lot of time. Some would even say too long for having the desired impact on containing the spread.

Azure Now Generally Available on ArangoDB Oasis
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
ArangoDB ArangoGraph, the cloud service of ArangoDB, has reached an important milestone. We are glad to announce that Azure support is generally available in ArangoDB ArangoGraph as of today!
Currently Azure is supported in the following regions:
- West US, Washington
- East US, Virginia
- Central Canada, Toronto
- UK, London
- West Europe, Netherlands
You can now become an ArangoDB Certified Professional
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Ok, so it is official now… I mean the Official ArangoDB Certification Program :)
Starting today you can become an ArangoDB Certified Professional and show the world the multi-model skills you have earned. To get your personal certificate you just have to take the online quiz and answer 80% of the multiple-choice questions correctly.
The online test will cover various topics like:
- General knowledge about ArangoDB
- Query composition
- Performance tuning
- Data modeling
You will be asked a little over 50 questions and have 60 minutes to complete the quiz. Some questions will be easy, some a bit more tricky, but definitely doable for everyone who already has experience in ArangoDB. You can do the exam as many times as you want. Start the Certification Exam here.
If you are relatively new to ArangoDB… welcome to the community! You can check out these free learning resources to prepare for the certification:
- "Getting Started with ArangoDB" Free Udemy Video Course (Covering all key aspects of multi-model and ArangoDB)
- The free ArangoDB Graph Course
- Drill down into some topics explained in ArangoDB Training center or the documentation
Once certified, consider adding "ArangoDB" to your skills on LinkedIn. Many cool projects and great companies are looking for experienced Arangos out there or share it with your followers on social media.
We wish you good luck and have fun during the quiz!
Become ArangoDB Certified Professional
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An implementation of phase-fair reader/writer locks
Take Alpha 2 of the upcoming ArangoDB 3.7 for a spin!
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
We are 11 weeks into the development of ArangoDB 3.7 and want to give you yet another opportunity to try out the upcoming features before the release. On our technical preview page, you’ll find the Alpha 2 packages for the Community and Enterprise Edition.
This Alpha 2 comes with pretty neat features and improvements and we hope to get your early feedback!
This is particularly helpful for us to adjust our development in terms of solving real-world problems for you and ease-of-use for the new capabilities like: Read more
Opening the ArangoDB ArangoGraph API & Terraform Provider
Estimated reading time: 0 minutes
ArangoDB ArangoGraph, the cloud service of ArangoDB, has been available for a few months now and is growing quickly. The ArangoGraph team got a lot of requests to provide more ways to manage deployments, access policies and other aspects of ArangoGraph.
After adding support for Azure earlier this year, we’re now opening up the ArangoGraph API for all supported cloud providers like Google Cloud and AWS. Read more
Upcoming ArangoDB 3.7 and Storage Engines
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
ArangoDB has supported two storage engines for a while: RocksDB and MMFiles. While ArangoDB started out with just the MMFiles storage engine in its early days, RocksDB became the default storage engine in the 3.4 release. Due to its drawbacks ArangoDB 3.6 deprecated the old MMFiles storage engine and with the upcoming 3.7 release we plan to fully remove support. This blog post will provide the background of why storage engines matter, why we chose to deprecate the MMFiles storage engine, and what you should be aware of when migrating from MMFiles to the RocksDB storage engine. Read more
ArangoDB in 10 Minutes with Node.js: Quickstart Guide
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
This is a short tutorial to get started with ArangoDB using Node.js. In less than 10 minutes you can learn how to use ArangoDB with Node. This tutorial uses a free ArangoDB Sandbox running on ArangoGraph that requires no sign up.
Let’s Get Started!
We will use the Repl live coding environment for the rest of the tutorial. This also requires no sign up and should already be ready to go. Read more
Monitoring ArangoDB with Promotheus and Grafana
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Please consider monitoring your productive ArangoDB installation as part of the best practices strategy. It is effortlessly done using established services Prometheus for data collection and Grafana for visualisation and alerting.
Celebrating Kube-ArangoDB’s 1.0 Release!
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Kube-ArangoDB, ArangoDB’s Kubernetes Operator first released two years ago and as of today is operating many ArangoDB production clusters (including ArangoDB’s Managed Service ArangoGraph). With many exciting features we felt kube-arango really deserves to be released as 1.0.
Public Preview of Microsoft Azure Now Available on ArangoDB Oasis
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Today we are excited to invite everybody to take the first public preview of Azure on ArangoDB Oasis for a test ride. In case you haven’t joined Oasis yet, please find more details about our offering and a 14-day free trial on Just choose Microsoft Azure as your cloud provider and choose from the many regions we already support.
You can share all feedback with us about regions you’d love to see added or other improvements on slack. Please use the #oasis channel on Community Slack or raise an issue via the “Request Help” button in the bottom right corner of Oasis.
Please note that this is a public preview and not meant to be run in production.
Big Thanks to the Microsoft Azure Team
Before we dive into the details of the public preview for Azure on Oasis, we’d like to take a minute to send a big “Thank You!” to the Microsoft Azure team. The responsiveness and quality of their support as well as motivation to help us succeed has been exemplary. When building complex systems everything can’t be perfect but the support of the many different people at Azure has been. Thanks for making it possible to share the Oasis Azure offering so quickly with our community!
Azure on ArangoDB Oasis: That’s in
In this public preview, you can test the full feature set of ArangoDB Oasis on Azure for your projects. We already support a range of Azure regions including
- East US, Virginia: eastus2
- West US, Washington: westus2
- Central Canada, Toronto: canadacentral
- West Europe, Netherlands: westeurope
- UK, London: uksouth
We based the initial regions on customer feedback and can easily add more if you require them. Just use the “Request Help” button in the bottom right corner of Oasis and raise an issue for your preferred region.
Azure Pricing on Oasis
Azure will have a similarly low prices to get started with as ArangoDB Oasis on Google Cloud or AWS. You can get started with as little as $0,27/hour for a 3 node, highly available OneShard setup with 4GB memory and 10GB storage per node.
Please see detailed prices for various setups on the pricing page within Oasis.
Limitations within the Public Preview
Until we can declare Azure on Oasis production-ready, there is still one thing to be fixed. Currently, it is not possible to change the disk size after a deployment has been created. This is something which we want to fix within the next couple of weeks. In case you have an account of type “professional”, you can use a slider to configure the disk size. We also recommend that you only choose well-known values for the disk size.
You can get started with Oasis easily and for free. Just sign-up for Oasis and create your first deployment with just a few clicks. The first 14 days are on the house. No credit card needed. Test-run ends automatically after 14 days of use.
Get started with Oasis on Azure, Google Compute or AWS
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An Introduction to Geo Indexes and their performance characteristics: Part I
ArangoDB 3.3 GA
DC2DC Replication, Encrypted backup, Server-Level Replication and more
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