ArangoDB 2.4.2
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A maintenance release for ArangoDB 2.4.2 is available for download or via your favourite package manager.
v2.4.2 (2015-01-30)
- added custom visitor functionality for AQL traversals
This allows more complex result processing in traversals triggered by AQL. A few examples are shown in this article.
- improved number of results estimated for nodes of type
in AQL explain output
ArangoDB 2.4.1 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes
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A maintenance release for ArangoDB 2.4.1 is available for download or via your favourite package manager.
v2.4.1 (2015-01-19)
- improved WAL recovery output
- fixed certain OR optimizations in AQL optimizer
- better diagnostics for arangoimp
- fixed invalid result of HTTP REST API method
- fixed possible segmentation fault when passing a Buffer object into a V8 function as a parameter
- updated AQB module to 1.8.0.
ArangoDB 2.3.5: Maintenance Release & Bug Fixes
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A new maintenance release for the 2.3 branch of ArangoDB is available.
Changes in v2.3.5 (2015-01-16)
- fixed intermittent 404 errors in Foxx apps after mounting or unmounting apps
- fixed issue #1200: Expansion operator results in “Cannot call method ‘forEach’ of null”
- fixed issue #1199: Cannot unlink root node of plan
Note: The latest version is 2.4, released last week.
ArangoDB 2.4 Release: New Features & Enhancements
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We are proud to announce the release of Version 2.4 of our multi-model database ArangoDB. It’s ready for download now and available for all major platforms.
This release is a major step forward. Use Foxx to create your favorite microservice with a few clicks, dockerize it and access it via a REST/Web API from everywhere. – Dr. Frank Celler (CTO)
You can now use EcmaScript 6 features like iterators, symbols, maps and sets by default and enable even more ES6 features with ArangoDB start options. The V8 engine upgrade in ArangoDB 2.4 also improves performance and speeds up V8 garbage collections.
The ArangoDB query language (AQL) gets more efficient group count calculation queries, an optional return value for AQL data-modification queries and improved index handling in filtering AQL queries.
Foxx 2.0: The new Foxx-Generator is a framework that enables developers to build Hypermedia APIs easily. Developers can create Web APIs based on a semantic description of entities and transitions using a statechart alike design approach. Additional to the recently added job queues and authentication services, Foxx got a new web-frontend to easily create new or install Foxx applications from Github or the ArangoDB Store.
Try the new tutorial Foxx in 10 Minutes to build your first Foxx application. Starting with a new Foxx app has never been easier.
Along with ArangoDB the new light-weight JavaScript driver arangojs 3.0 is ready to use.
Download the current 2.4 release and start building your own applications on top of ArangoDB!
ArangoDB 2.3.3 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes
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A maintenance release for ArangoDB 2.3 is available for download or via your favourite package manager.
v2.3.3 (2014-12-17)
* fixed error handling in instantiation of distributed AQL queries, this
also fixes a bug in cluster startup with many servers
* issue #1185: parse non-fractional JSON numbers with exponent (e.g. `4e-261`)
* issue #1159: allow --server.request-timeout and --server.connect-timeout of 0
ArangoDB 2.3.2 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes
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A maintenance release for ArangoDB 2.3 is available for download or via your favourite package manager.
v2.3.2 (2014-12-09)
* fixed issue #1173: AQL Editor "Save current query" resets user password
* fixed missing makeDirectory when fetching a Foxx application from a zip file
* put in warning about default changed: fixed issue #1134: Change the default endpoint to localhost
* fixed issue #1163: invalid fullCount value returned from AQL
* fixed range operator precedence
* limit default maximum number of plans created by AQL optimizer to 256 (from 1024)
* make AQL optimizer not generate an extra plan if an index can be used, but modify
existing plans in place
* fixed AQL cursor ttl (time-to-live) issue
Any user-specified cursor ttl value was not honored since 2.3.0.
* fixed segfault in AQL query hash index setup with unknown shapes
* fixed memleaks
* added AQL optimizer rule for removing `INTO` from a `COLLECT` statement if not needed
* fixed issue #1131
This change provides the `KEEP` clause for `COLLECT ... INTO`. The `KEEP` clause
allows controlling which variables will be kept in the variable created by `INTO`.
* fixed issue #1147, must protect dispatcher ID for etcd
ArangoDB 2.3.1 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes
This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB
A maintenance release for ArangoDB 2.3 is available from our download page and through the package manager.
- recreate password if missing during upgrade
- fixed issue #1126
- fixed non-working subquery index optimizations
- do not restrict summary of Foxx applications to 60 characters
- fixed display of “required” path parameters in Foxx application documentation
- added more optimizations of constants values in AQL FILTER conditions
- fixed invalid or-to-in optimization for FILTERs containing comparisons with boolean values
- fixed replication of
collection - added AQL list functions
- added AQL functions
to dynamically call other functions - fixed AQL optimizer cost estimation for LIMIT node
- prevent Foxx queues from permanently writing to the journal even when server is idle
- fixed AQL COLLECT statement with INTO clause, which copied more variables than v2.2 and thus lead to too much memory consumption. This deals with #1107.
- fixed AQL COLLECT statement, this concerned every COLLECT statement, only the first group had access to the values of the variables before the COLLECT statement. This deals with #1127.
- fixed some AQL internals, where sometimes too many items were fetched from upstream in the presence of a LIMIT clause. This should generally improve performance.
ArangoDB 2.2.7 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes
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A maintenance release for ArangoDB 2.2 is available from the usual channels.
v2.2.7 (2014-11-19)
- fixed issue #1079: AQL editor: keyword WITH in UPDATE query is not highlighted
- fix memory leak in cluster nodes
- fixed registration of AQL user-defined functions in Web UI (JS shell)
- fixed error display in Web UI for certain errors (now error message is printed instead of ‘undefined’)
- fixed issue #1059: bug in js module console
- fixed issue #1056: “fs”: zip functions fail with passwords
- fixed issue #1063: Docs: measuring unit of –wal.logfile-size?
- fixed issue #1062: Docs: typo in 14.2 Example data
The 2.2.7 Documentation: Click here
ArangoDB 2.3 Release: New Features & Enhancements
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The new query optimizer is ready to rock the world. We are proud to announce the release of ArangoDB 2.3, available for download now. ArangoDB 2.3 is available for Linux, Windows and Mac and provides support for 16 programming languages.
Overhauled Query Optimizer
The query optimizer and executor for AQL queries have been completely overhauled. Especially the optimization of distributed queries has been improved significantly.
The query optimizer can now apply much more optimizations than in previous versions of ArangoDB. We have tried to keep the new version as compatible as possible with ArangoDB 2.2.
Have a look at Jan’s blog post “Tour around new AQL query optimizer” or read the optimizer documentation to get familiar with this new feature.
Powerful Foxx Enhancements
We can’t wait to get your feedback, so we’ve released some great new Foxx features in 2.3 with more to come in the next release.
With the new job queues feature you can run async jobs to communicate with external services, Foxx queries make writing complex AQL queries much easier and Foxx sessions will handle the authentication and session hassle for you. (more…)
ArangoDB 2.3 Beta 2: Available for Testing | ArangoDB Blog
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A new beta release is available for testing.
Please note that there are issues with the keys generated by the OBS. We will sort this out as fast as possible. Currently you simple have to trust the keys during install.
This beta release contains various fixes which were found during testing beta1.
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