ArangoDB 2.6.5: Maintenance Release Highlights | ArangoDB Blog

ArangoDB 2.6.5 is available for download. This is a bugfix release that solves the following issues:

  • fixed busy wait loop in scheduler threads that sometimes consumed 100% CPU while waiting for events on connections closed unexpectedly by the client side
  • handle attribute indexBuckets when restoring collections via arangorestore. Previously the indexBuckets attribute value from the dump was ignored, and the server default value for indexBuckets was used when restoring a collection.
  • fixed “EscapeValue already set error” crash in V8 actions that might have occurred when cancelling V8-based operations.
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ArangoDB 2.6.4: Maintenance Release Overview | ArangoDB Blog

ArangoDB Version 2.6.4 comes with an upgraded V8 engine ( and is ready to download now. In the 2.5 branch we’ve published a 2.5.7 maintenance release as well.

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ArangoDB 2.6.3: Maintenance Release for Stability & Performance

A maintenance release of ArangoDB is available, we have fixed an issue with NULL bytes inside attribute values (#1409) that occurs when fetching a document via REST API.

Release 2.5.6 and 2.6.3 can be downloaded from now.

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ArangoDB 2.6.2: Maintenance Release for Enhanced Stability

ArangoDB 2.6.2 maintenance release available – ArangoDB download

  • fixed issue #1383: bindVars for HTTP API doesn’t work with empty string
  • fixed handling of default values in Foxx manifest configurations
  • fixed handling of optional parameters in Foxx manifest configurations

Read more about the new features in ArangoDB 2.6 in our What’s new article, the AQL 2.5 vs. 2.6 performance shootout or our latest performance comparison of multi-model and specialized DB’s (MongoDB, Neo4j).

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ArangoDB 2.6.1: Maintenance Release for Improved Stability

The first maintenance release for ArangoDB 2.6 is available for download. This maintenance release is only relevant for Mac, Windows and the Raspberry.

Version 2.6.1 (2015-06-24)

  • Add missing swagger files to cmake build. fixes #1368
  • fixed documentation errors
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ArangoDB 2.6 New Release: Enhanced Features & Performance

We are proud to announce the latest release of ArangoDB with lot’s of improvements and many new features. ArangoDB 2.6 is available for download for many different operating systems. In the new release the focus is on performance improvements. For instance sorting on a string attribute is up to 3 times faster. There are also improvements in the shortest-path implementation and other graph related AQL queries.

Look at some of our previous blogposts like: Reusable Foxx Apps with Configurations, Document your Foxx Apps with Swagger 2 or the Improved System User Authentication to learn more about ArangoDB 2.6 and check the manual for a deeper dive into specific features.

Claudius, CEO: “The performance improvements in every area of ArangoDB 2.6 make ArangoDB an effective alternative to other databases. I am very proud of the product and the team, and we can expect much more in the next few months.”


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ArangoDB 2.6 Alpha3: Testing New Features & Performance

The 2.6 release preparations are on track: with a 3rd alpha release available for testing purposes today. Please download the latest alpha build and provide us your valuable feedback.

We put great efforts in speeding-up core ArangoDB functionality to make AQL queries perform much better than in earlier versions of ArangoDB.

The queries that improved most in 2.6 over 2.5 include:

  • FILTER conditions: simple FILTER conditions we’ve tested are 3 to 5 times faster
  • simple joins using the primary index (_key attribute), hash index or skiplist index are 2 to 3.5 times faster
  • sorting on a string attribute is 2.5 to 3 times faster
  • extracting the _key or other top-level attributes from documents is 4 to 5 times faster
  • COLLECT statements: simple COLLECT statements we’ve tested are 7 to 15 times faster

More details on the performance improvements and the test-setup will be published in a follow-up blog post. For now, try out 2.6 alpha3 version – we’ve done our very best to make ArangoDB a lot faster. ; )

What’s new in ArangoDB 2.6

For a full list of changes and improvements please consult the change-log. Over the next week we might also add some more functionality to 2.6, mainly some improvements in the shortest-path implementation and other graph related AQL queries.

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ArangoDB 2.6 API Changes: Updates & Enhancements

ArangoDB 2.6 comes with new and changed APIs as well as changed behavior regarding document keys and several graph functions.

If you use Travis-CI for your tests you can download the Travis-CI ArangoDB build here: Travis-CI/ArangoDB-2.6.0-alpha2.tar.gz

The changes so far:

APIs added

  • added batch document removal and lookup APIs:

    These APIs can be used to perform multi-document lookup and removal operations efficiently. The arguments to these APIs are the name of the collection plus the array of document keys to fetch or remove.

    The endpoints for these APIs are as follows:

    PUT /_api/simple/lookup-by-keys
    PUT /_api/simple/remove-by-keys

    Example call to fetch documents:

    curl -X PUT \\_db/\_system/_api/simple/lookup-by-keys \ --data '{"collection":"myCollection","keys":["test1","test3"]}'

    The documents will be returned in an attribute documents of the HTTP response. documents is an array containing all documents found. Only those documents that were actually found will be returned. Documents that were searched but do not exist will not be returned and do not trigger any errors. (more…)

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ArangoDB 2.6 Alpha2: Testing New Features & Performance

Our next major release ArangoDB 2.6 is on the finishing straight with an early alpha2 version for Linux released today.

UPDATE: New alpha3 release available.

We put great efforts in speeding-up core ArangoDB functionality to make AQL queries perform much better than in earlier versions of ArangoDB.

The queries that improved most in 2.6 over 2.5 include:

  • FILTER conditions: simple FILTER conditions we’ve tested are 3 to 5 times faster
  • simple joins using the primary index (_key attribute), hash index or skiplist index are 2 to 3.5 times faster
  • sorting on a string attribute is 2.5 to 3 times faster
  • extracting the _key or other top-level attributes from documents is 4 to 5 times faster
  • COLLECT statements: simple COLLECT statements we’ve tested are 7 to 15 times faster
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ArangoDB 2.5.4 Release: Improved Features & Stability

This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB

ArangoDB 2.5.4 – a maintenance release for the 2.5 branch is available from now.

This release fixes some cluster issues, fixes recursive copy under windows and adds a new startup option --log.performance: specifying this option at startup will log performance-related info messages, mainly timings via the regular logging mechanisms.

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