October 2022: What’s the Latest with ArangoDB?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Hello Community,

Welcome to the ArangoDB newsletter for October 2022. This month, we invite you to: 

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August 2022: What’s the Latest with ArangoDB?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Hello Community,

Welcome to the ArangoDB newsletter for August 2022. This month, we invite you to:

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August 2022 ArangoDB Cloud Monthly Newsletter

August 2022: ArangoDB Cloud Monthly Newsletter

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

New: Private endpoint support for all major cloud providers

Private endpoints allow the connection from your application to your ArangoDB Cloud deployment to stay entirely within the cloud service provider’s network and remain unexposed to the public internet. 

Last year we introduced support for private endpoints for Microsoft Azure. In June, we announced that private endpoints were GA for ArangoDB Cloud deployments running on AWS. Today, we are happy to share that we now support all three major cloud providers with the addition of private endpoints for Google Cloud Platform

Please note: the private endpoint feature is only available for enterprise-tier ArangoDB ArangoGraph organizations. Contact your account executive to know more about this feature, or get in touch with us here

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Introducing the ArangoDB PyG Adapter

Introducing the ArangoDB-PyG Adapter

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

We are proud to announce the GA 1.0 release of the ArangoDB-PyG Adapter!

The ArangoDB-PyG Adapter exports Graphs from ArangoDB, the multi-model database for graph & beyond, into PyTorch Geometric (PyG), a PyTorch-based Graph Neural Network library, and vice-versa.

On July 29 2022, we introduced the first release of the PyTorch Geometric Adapter to the ArangoML community. We are proud to have PyG as the fourth member of our ArangoDB Adapter Family. You can expect the same developer-friendly adapter options and a helpful getting-started guide via Jupyter Notebook, and stay tuned for an upcoming Lunch & Learn session!

This blog post will serve as a walkthrough of the ArangoDB-PyG Adapter, via its official Jupyter Notebook.

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July 2022: What’s the Latest with ArangoDB?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Hello Community,

Welcome to the July ArangoDB newsletter. This month, we invite you to:

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What is a Graph Database?

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


Graphs occur everywhere in everyday life: your network of friends, the network of roads you drive on, and the supply chain of factories, ships, and roads that brought you the device you’re reading this on. While it might be easy to connect the dots on how most things can be shown as a graph, what makes a database a graph database? That is the question you will have the answer to in this blog post, but to put it simply: a graph consists of nodes, edges, and properties representing the relationships within data.

In this article, we will discuss:

  • What is a graph?
  • What is a graph database?
  • Different types of graph databases.
  • Graph database use cases.
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May 2022: What’s the Latest with ArangoDB?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Hello Community,

Welcome to the sixth ArangoDB newsletter of 2022. This month, we invite you to:

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April 2022: What’s the Latest with ArangoDB?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Hello Community,

Welcome to the fifth ArangoDB newsletter of 2022. This month, we invite you to:

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Data Science Personas banner

Who’s Who in Data Science

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Multiple data science personas participate in the daily operations of data logistics and intelligent business applications. Management and employees need to understand the big picture of data science to maximize collaboration efforts for these operations. This article will highlight the specialized roles and skillsets needed for the different data science tasks and the best tools to empower data-driven teams. You will come away from this article with a better understanding of how to support your own data science teams, and it is valuable for both managers and team members alike.

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Integrate ArangoDB with PyTorch Geometric to Build Recommendation Systems

Estimated reading time: 20 minutes

In this blog post, we will build a complete movie recommendation application using ArangoDB and PyTorch Geometric. We will tackle the challenge of building a movie recommendation application by transforming it into the task of link prediction. Our goal is to predict missing links between a user and the movies they have not watched yet.

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