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December 2022: What’s the Latest with ArangoDB?

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Hello Community,

Welcome to the ArangoDB newsletter for December 2022. This month, we took a trip down memory lane and reflected on our top five highlights from the past year:

ArangoDB Summit: Our inaugural event for graph and machine learning

With more than 18 hours of content, 30 talks, and 40 speakers, we couldn’t be more thrilled with our inaugural Summit that covered graph, machine learning, and everything in between. 

Perhaps the best part? All of the content is now available on demand! 

So whether you’re looking to: 

  • Gain more insight into the ArangoDB product roadmap from Chief Product Officer Claudius Weinberger
  • Learn how Orange created a digital twin of an entire city
  • Understand how Juniper Networks automates network design
  • Discover how Altana Technologies builds a shared source of truth for the global supply chain

You’re sure to find a session or two to up your graph and machine learning game.

View recordings ->

ArangoDB University: New, Interactive, Online Courses

At ArangoDB, we’ve always focused on helping our customers not only better use our products, but become knowledgeable on graph in general. That’s why Developer Relations Engineer Chris Woodward put a ton of time, effort, and love into upgrading our Training Center to a full-fledged university! 

With three courses currently in our catalogue, complete with hands-on coding, quizzes, and dedicated Slack channels to ask questions, you can level up your graph, ArangoDB, and AQL skills today. 

Get started now ->

Content-Palooza: Lunch Breaks, BeyondGraph and Webinars Galore

In addition to the 30 sessions from ArangoDB Summit and the three courses in ArangoDB University, we released a ton of other content this year – almost too much to count!

Graph & Beyond Lunch Break: The Second Course

The ‘second course’ of our lunch-and-learn videos contains 12 episodes that cover topics such as Recommendation Engine, Graph Embeddings, and more. View the full Graph & Beyond video repository.


We held a second installment of our virtual developer conference in June. As always, the content is available to view on-demand at your leisure

Live Monthly Webinars

Launching in the second half of the year, we hosted a webinar each month. Topics ranged from best practices for running ArangoDB clusters and lessons learned building a cloud database, to Kubernetes and graph done right.

ArangoGraph Insights Platform: Next-Generation Graph in the Cloud

One of our main announcements at ArangoDB Summit was the introduction of ArangoGraph Insights Platform. Formerly known as ArangoDB ArangoGraph, ArangoGraph is a cloud-based graph data and analytics platform powered by ArangoDB. It offers a comprehensive set of data management and analytical tools – all united by a powerful query language that natively integrates graph, JSON data, search, and machine learning (ML). 

Curious to learn more? Give it a try! Start your free 14-day trial today. 

Start free trial ->

ArangoDB 3.10: Graph Usability at Scale

We introduced the latest version of our graph database, ArangoDB 3.10, at ArangoDB Summit in October. ArangoDB 3.10 includes new features, such as EnterpriseGraph, ArangoSearch 2.0, and locality-sensitive hashing, that not only make it easier to implement and use graph technology at scale, but also combine it with full-text search.

Additional key features include computed values, read from followers, parallelism for sharded graphs, and native M1/ARM support – just to name a few.

What are you waiting for? Check out 3.10 for yourself.

Get Started with 3.10 ->

From the Avocado Grove: We’re Hiring!

With the current economic climate, we know this year hasn’t been easy on everyone. We’re happy to share we do have roles open at ArangoDB

And that’s our recap for 2022! 

Don’t want to wait to get our latest updates once a month? Be the first to be in-the-know by following us across social. We’ve made it easy for you with all of the links here:

We wish you all a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season and new year.

Until next year,

The ArangoDB Team 🥑

Check Out Our Previous Newsletters

October 2022: What’s the Latest with ArangoDB

August 2022: What’s the Latest with ArangoDB


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