ArangoDB on Raspberry Pi: Explore Possibilities | ArangoDB ’13

During the ArangoDB Hackathon weekend, we tried to compile ArangoDB on a Raspberry PI using Raspbian as operating system. ArangoDB needs some external libraries in order to compile libev ICU V8 zlib Libev, ICU and zlib compiled without problems. Raspbian comes with a precompiled version of V8 – but it’s too old for ArangoDB. So,…


ArangoDB on Uberspace: Simplify Deployment | ArangoDB ’13

How to use ArangoDB on Uberspace? ArangoDB is (not yet) available on Uberspace. So how to use it? Basically Uberspace is a Centos 6 linux system, so you can use the executables provided. I’ve created a small shell script to install ArangoDB on an Uberspace system. Note that this is still experimental. Log in and…


ArangoDB Community Survey 2013: Share Your Feedback



Foxx Hackathon: Dive into ArangoDB Microservices | ArangoDB ’13

While the ArangoDB team is finishing the most wanted replication feature, there is another baby which needs our attention: Foxx. Lucas, Jan, Frank and Michael have spread the word about Foxx and collected feedback from the community. Now it’s time for the next step: we will have our second FOXX hackathon on July 26th-28th in…


ArangoDB ’13: Replication & Sharding for Scalability

UPDATE: ArangoDB 2 introduced sharding! 🙂 Original blog post: In ArangoDB’s google group there was recently an interesting discussion on what ArangoDB should offer in terms of replication and sharding. For the rest of you who does not follow the posts in the group, I have copied Frank Celler’s answer into this post: Frank writes:…


Ideas and Facts from Scotland.js in Edinburgh | ArangoDB ’13

Test Driven Development I have been one of the lucky attendants of scotland.js in Edinburgh recently. It was a really nice & informative conference, thanks to all people that made it possible. I did really like to see that TDD is reaching the front-end developers finally. A lot of useful tools for this have been…


ArangoDB 1.3.0 Released: Explore New Features | ArangoDB ’13

This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB Features and Improvements The following list shows in detail which features have been added or improved in ArangoDB 1.3. ArangoDB 1.3 also contains several bugfixes that are not listed here. Changes to the Datafile Structure As the datafile structure has changed, please read the upgrade…


Foxx Screencast Part 2: Dive Deeper | ArangoDB ’13

It has taken some time, but now part 2 of the Foxx Screencast is available. I talk about some more advanced topics of Foxx and also plans for the future.


ArangoDB 1.3 Alpha1 Release & First Foxx Screencast | ArangoDB ’13

Starting today you can install the first Alpha of the upcoming release of ArangoDB version 1.3. Some of the new features are: * ArangoDB Foxx: A lightweight way to define APIs directly on top of ArangoDB * Traversals: Define traversals to explore your graphs stored in ArangoDB * A new and improved Frontend: Featuring a…


Foxx – a lightweight Javascript application framework for ArangoDB

Edit: From version 1.4 the ArangoDB user manual available online also includes the documentation for FOXX. For the last months we have been working on Foxx – a brand new Javascript framework on top of the upcoming version of the free and open source NoSQL database ArangoDB. Foxx allows you to build APIs directly on…


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