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ArangoDB on Uberspace: Simplify Deployment | ArangoDB ’13

How to use ArangoDB on Uberspace?

ArangoDB is (not yet) available on Uberspace. So how to use it? Basically Uberspace is a Centos 6 linux system, so you can use the executables provided. I’ve created a small shell script to install ArangoDB on an Uberspace system. Note that this is still experimental.

Log in and execute

wget -O - http://www.arangodb.com/repositories/Uberspace/arangodb-1.4.3.sh | sh

During the installtion you have the optin to bind the server to an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, localhost, or unix domain sockets. Please note that – with the exception of domain sockets – everyone can connect to this socket. So, you should supply a password when using normal sockets.

This will create a folder “arangodb” with the executables and JavaScript files for ArangoDB. It also creates to shell scripts “arangod.sh” and “arangosh.sh” to start the server and the shell with the correct path. You can move these files into your “bin” folder.

[fceller@indus ~]$ ./arangod.sh 
ArangoDB has been started. Please check the log file "/home/fceller/arangodb-1.3.2/var/log/arangodb/arangod.log"!
[fceller@indus ~]$ ./arangosh.sh 
Please specify a password: 

  __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___  ___| |__  
 / _` | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ 
| (_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_) \__ \ | | |
 \__,_|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___/|___/_| |_|

Welcome to arangosh 1.3.2. Copyright (c) triAGENS GmbH
Using Google V8 3.16.14 JavaScript engine, READLINE 6.0, ICU 49.1.2

Connected to ArangoDB 'tcp://localhost:8529' version 1.3.2
Frank Celler

Frank Celler

Frank is both entrepreneur and backend developer, developing mostly memory databases for two decades. He is the CTO and co-founder of ArangoDB. Try to challenge Frank asking him questions on C, C++ and MRuby. Besides Frank organizes Cologne’s NoSQL group & is an active member of NoSQL community.


  1. bitboxer on July 21 2013, at 3:07 pm

    You should also consider adding a guide on how to add this to daemontools. Without it, you will have to launch it everytime the server reboots…and you don’t want that 🙂

  2. Jan Brennenstuhl on July 22 2013, at 8:16 pm

    @bitboxer:disqus should work that way on Uberspace:

  3. Kirill on November 15 2013, at 11:10 pm

    Unfortunately doesn’t work for me 🙁 Can you help me with this? I would really love my favorite database run on Uberspace!

    • fceller on November 16 2013, at 10:23 am

      Can you post some details in https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=de#!forum/arangodb ? I’ll check asap.

      • Kirill on November 27 2013, at 11:10 pm

        I could start install it now, but when I try to start arangod I get these error log:

        tail arangod.log

        2013-11-27T22:06:44Z [18277] INFO ArangoDB 1.4.1 — ICU 52.1, V8 version, SSL engine OpenSSL 1.0.0-fips 29 Mar 2010

        2013-11-27T22:06:44Z [18277] INFO using default language ‘en’

        2013-11-27T22:06:44Z [18277] ERROR unable to create base application directory ‘/home/kirill/arangodb-1.4.1/usr/share/arangodb/js/apps/databases’

        2013-11-27T22:06:44Z [18277] ERROR unable to initialise databases: system error

        2013-11-27T22:06:44Z [18277] FATAL cannot start server: system error

        2013-11-27T22:07:28Z [21510] INFO ArangoDB 1.4.1 — ICU 52.1, V8 version, SSL engine OpenSSL 1.0.0-fips 29 Mar 2010

        2013-11-27T22:07:28Z [21510] INFO using default language ‘en’

        2013-11-27T22:07:28Z [21510] ERROR unable to create base application directory ‘/home/kirill/arangodb-1.4.1/usr/share/arangodb/js/apps/databases’

        2013-11-27T22:07:28Z [21510] ERROR unable to initialise databases: system error

        2013-11-27T22:07:28Z [21510] FATAL cannot start server: system error

        • fceller on December 2 2013, at 4:07 pm

          I have updated the script to 1.4.3 and verified that it works on Uberspace. Can you please check again?

  4. heaven78 on November 27 2013, at 12:34 am

    i used the shell script on my uberspace-account and got this error in the log-file:
    ‘FATAL cannot start server: database directory is locked’

    i noticed also that this database directory (in arangodb-1.4.1/usr/share/arangodb/js/apps) is symlinked to a non-existing directory:
    databases -> /var/lib/arangodb-apps

    • fceller on November 27 2013, at 4:31 pm

      Is there still a server running? Can you check with “ps”?

      Can you check with the 1.4.3 version?

      • heaven78 on December 2 2013, at 10:42 pm

        thanks! this is working for me.
        what do you mean: with “ps”?

        • fceller on December 3 2013, at 11:10 am

          I just meant the unix command “ps”, i.e.

          ps auxw | fgrep arangod

          But as it is working now, no need to check 🙂

  5. Kirill on December 8 2013, at 12:54 pm

    Is it possible to choose where to bind arango anew? I’ve chosen Ipv6, but it does not work for me so I want to choose localhost.

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