Using The Linux Kernel and Cgroups to Simulate Starvation

When using a database like ArangoDB it is also important to explore how it behaves once it reaches system bottlenecks, or which KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) it can achieve in your benchmarks under certain limitations. One can achieve this by torturing the system by effectively saturating the resources using random processes.


Happy Holidays from ArangoDB!

2018 has been a fantastic year for the ArangoDB project. The community has welcomed many new members, customers, supporters and friends. Together we’ve reached new “heights” – accomplished goals, shipped a big brand-new release and improved ArangoDB on all fronts.


Deploying ArangoDB 3.4 on Kubernetes

It has been a few months since we first released the Kubernetes operator for ArangoDB and started to brag about it. Since then, quite a few things have happened. For example, we have done a lot of testing, fixed bugs, and by now the operator is declared to be production ready for three popular public…


ArangoDB 3.4 GA
Full-text Search, GeoJSON, Streaming & More

The ability to see your data from various perspectives is the idea of a multi-model database. Having the freedom to combine these perspectives into a single query is the idea behind native multi-model in ArangoDB. Extending this freedom is the main thought behind the release of ArangoDB 3.4. We’re always excited to put a new…


RC1 ArangoDB 3.4 – What’s new?

For ArangoDB 3.4 we already added 100,000 lines of code, happily deleted 50,000 lines and changed over 13,000 files until today. We merged countless PRs, invested months of problem solving, hacking, testing, hacking and testing again and are super excited to share the feature complete RC1 of ArangoDB 3.4 with you today.


Gartner Report: Top-Rated Operational Database Management Systems

Firstly, a huge thank you to all our customers that took the time to review ArangoDB for the Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer”: Operational Database Management Systems Market report. Without your help and assistance, the continued improvements and enhancements we make to our software wouldn’t be possible.


Time traveling with graph databases

Graph databases are often used to analyze relations within highly interconnected datasets. Social networks, recommendation engines, corporate hierarchies, fraud detection or querying a bill of materials are common use cases. But these datasets change over time and you as a developer or data scientist may want to time travel and analyze these changes. While ArangoDB…


Speeding Up Dump Restore in ArangoDB: Enhanced Data Recovery

Many ArangoDB users rely on our `arangodump` and `arangorestore` tools as an integral part of their backup and recovery procedures. As such, we want to make the use of these tools, especially `arangodump`, as fast as possible. We’ve been working hard toward this goal in preparation for the upcoming 3.4 release. We’ve made a number…


Data retrieval performance optimizations in ArangoDB 3.3.9

Our recent release 3.3.9 includes several performance optimizations for data retrieval cases. Benefits can be expected for both storage engines, MMFiles and RocksDB, AQL batch lookup queries, and cluster AQL queries. MMFiles index batch lookups For the MMFiles engine, an optimization has been made for retrieving multiple documents from an index (hash index, skiplist index…


An implementation of phase-fair reader/writer locks

We were in search for some C++ reader/writer locks implementation that allows a thread to acquire a lock and then optionally pass it on to another thread. The C++11 and C++14 standard library lock implementations std::mutex and shared_mutex do not allow that (it would be undefined behaviour – by the way, it’s also undefined behaviour…


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