ArangoDB 2.8.2: Replication Enhancements

ArangoDB 2.8.2 maintenance release comes with several replication improvements and bug fixes. You can download the latest version from our download page.

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ArangoDB 2.8: Enhanced Explain and arangoimp Improvements

Explain Improvements

Explaining AQL queries becomes even easier in ArangoDB 2.8. While previous versions required writing a hard-to-memorize command like

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Killing Long-Running Queries in ArangoDB

Suppose there is an AQL query that’s executing in the server for a long time already and you want to get rid of it. What can be done to abort that query?

If a connection to the server can still be established, the easiest is to use the ArangoShell to fetch the list of currently executing AQL queries and send a kill command to the server for the correct query. Read more

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ArangoDB 2.8: New Features and Enhancements

We welcome 2016 with our first big news yet – the release of ArangoDB 2.8!

Now you can use new AQL keywords to traverse a graph even more convenient – a big deal for those who like to get the maximum out of their connected data. ArangoDB is getting faster with every iteration, in this release we have implemented several AQL functions and arithmetic operations in super-fast C++ code, optimizer rules and indexing improved further to help you getting things done faster. Download ArangoDB 2.8 here. Read more

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ArangoDB 2.7.5 Maintenance Release: Fixes and Enhancements

Still waiting for the 2.8 release announcement…
So in the meantime, let’s have a look at the latest maintenance release of ArangoDB 2.7. Read more

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AQL Optimizer Improvements in ArangoDB 2.8

With the 2.8 beta phase coming to an end it’s time to shed some light on the improvements in the 2.8 AQL optimizer. This blog post summarizes a few of them, focusing on the query optimizer. There’ll be a follow-up post that will explain dedicated new AQL features soon. Read more

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Running ArangoDB on Mac with Docker

When I work with ArangoDB on my Mac, I usually install ArangoDB via homebrew and do tests on the latest new developments based on the devel-branch, compiling ArangoDB right from source.

To test a feature in a special version I use docker images that need a virtual machine on MacOS. I struggled with Boot2Docker several times and recently tried Docker Machine – with the Web UI Kitematic – currently in beta. Read more

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ArangoDB 2.8 Beta 3: Test New Features

ArangoDB 2.8 (beta3) is available for testing.

The last beta release of ArangoDB 2.8 – at least for 2015 – comes with the following bugfixes and improvements:

  • web interface: fixed a graph display bug concerning dashboard view
  • web interface: fixed several bugs during the dashboard initialize process

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ArangoDB 2.7.3: Maintenance Release Highlights

ArangoDB 2.7.3 – a maintenance release – is ready for download. Read more

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ArangoDB 2.8 Beta 2: Explore New Features

The second beta of ArangoDB 2.8 is available for testing. Now it’s your turn – give it a try, report bugs and provide us with your early feedback on the new features (Array Indexes and graph traversal in AQL). Do you like what you see?

Here’s what changed recently (beta 1 / beta 2): Read more

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