ArangoDB | Pronto Move Shard – Multi-Model NoSQL Database
In July Adobe announced that they plan the End-of-Life for flash at around 2020.
As HTML5 progressed and due to a long history of critical security vulnerabilities this is – technologically speaking – certainly the right decision. However I tended to also become a bit sad.
Flash was the first technology that brought interactivity to the web. We tend to forget how static the web was in the early 2000s. Flash brought life to the web and there were plenty of stupid trash games and animations which I really enjoyed at the time. As a homage to the age of trashy flash games I created a game which resembles the games of this era: Read more
ArangoDB | Thank You for Your Interest in ArangoDB!
“By developers for developers” has been our internal motto since the first lines of ArangoDB code. Building an open-source project at such level of complexity and at a market competitive standard, undoubtedly puts a lot of pressure and almost solely relies on the support and trust of the community.
Every victory counts, be it small appreciation or big success – it’s what gives us inspiration and keeps us going forward. A while ago we’ve been having one of those rainy gray days here in Cologne. Receiving over 10 stars put a smile on faces of our whole team, motivating us to hack harder, brainstorm, bug fix, build, release…
ArangoDB 2016 – A Year in Review
Important Steps this Year
2016 is about to see its final days and things are calming down, so Frank and I thought about the year that lies behind us. It was a really exciting year for the whole ArangoDB project and for us as founders. In 2016 we saw our team doubling in size, ArangoDB 3 series got launched and we became part of the Target Partners family. Many other great things happened this year and with this post we want to take the chance to say “Thank you” to all our supporters.
For the whole team it was and is super motivating to see that practically the same growth we experienced team-wise happened to the ArangoDB community. Exceeding the 3000 stargazer landmark right before Christmas was indeed a nice present, but it also reminds us that more and more people rely on what we create. Read more
Learn ArangoDB while contributing
We are fortunate to live in an open-source world with a fairly large international community of users and contributors, which has been only growing more and more in the past year. (Big thanks for that, by the way 😉 ) Especially that we have recently received quite a few requests on how one can contribute to ArangoDB in an easy and quick way, we have decided that the time has come to get closer to our community and get even more involved.
A lot of great ideas came up during a chat with some of our long-term users on how we could improve on that front. Among all others, the most straightforward one is asking the community for some help and support on GitHub. So we took a bit of time to go through open issues and selected a few now tagged ‘Help Wanted’. Here is a selection of easy tasks that will get you started contributing to ArangoDB with code or ideas and concepts for features. It is only a few to start with, but if you want to get involved we would appreciate your helping hand! Read more
Linenoise-ng: Command Line Editing Library
For projects that are BSD or Apache 2 licensed, Linenoise (by Salvatore Sanfilippo) is a pretty small, portable GNU readline (GPL) replacement. Based on the work of Salvatore and 10gen Inc. this Linenoise NG implementation adds UTF8 and Windows support, uses a BSD license and can be used in any kind of program.
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