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ArangoDB | Thank You for Your Interest in ArangoDB!

“By developers for developers” has been our internal motto since the first lines of ArangoDB code. Building an open-source project at such level of complexity and at a market competitive standard, undoubtedly puts a lot of pressure and almost solely relies on the support and trust of the community.

Every victory counts, be it small appreciation or big success – it’s what gives us inspiration and keeps us going forward. A while ago we’ve been having one of those rainy gray days here in Cologne. Receiving over 10 stars put a smile on faces of our whole team, motivating us to hack harder, brainstorm, bug fix, build, release…

Today we have reached 4,000 stars mark on GitHub!

As we are reaching this milestone on our continuous exploration journey higher and higher “to the stars”, we would like to thank you all for the trust and support you’ve given us. It is largely thanks to your feedback and support, we are able to deliver a great product and have a large international community adopting it around the globe.

Big thanks to you all from the ArangoDB family!

“To infinity and beyond!”

Julie Ferrario

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