ArangoDB 1.4.14 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes
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A maintenance release of ArangoDB 1.4 is now available for download.
v1.4.14 (2014-04-05)
- fixed race conditions during shape / attribute insertion A race condition could have led to spurios `cannot find attribute #xx` or `cannot find shape #xx` (where xx is a number) warning messages being logged by the server. This happened when a new attribute was inserted and at the same time was queried by another thread. Also fixed a race condition that may have occurred when a thread tried to access the shapes / attributes hash tables while they were resized. In this cases, the shape / attribute may have been hashed to a wrong slot.
- fixed a memory barrier / cpu synchronisation problem with libev, affecting Windows with Visual Studio 2013 (probably earlier versions are affected, too) The issue is described in detail here:
ArangoDB 2.0.1 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes
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We have just release 2.0.1, which is bug-fix release for 2.0.
v2.0.1 (2014-03-31) ——————- * make ArangoDB not send back a `WWW-Authenticate` header to a client in case the client sends the `X-Omit-WWW-Authenticate` HTTP header. This is done to prevent browsers from showing their built-in HTTP authentication dialog for AJAX requests that require authentication. ArangoDB will still return an HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) if the request doesn’t contain valid credentials, but it will omit the `WWW-Authenticate` header, allowing clients to bypass the browser’s authentication dialog. * fixed isses in arango-dfdb: the dfdb was not able to unload certain system collections, so these couldn’t be inspected with the dfdb sometimes. Additionally, it did not truncate corrupt markers from datafiles under some circumstances * added `changePassword` attribute for users * fixed non-working “save” button in collection edit view of web interface clicking the save button did nothing. one had to press enter in one of the input fields to send modified form data * fixed V8 compile error on MacOS X * prevent `body length: -9223372036854775808` being logged in development mode for some Foxx HTTP responses * fixed several bugs in web interface dashboard * fixed issue #783: coffee script not working in manifest file * fixed issue #781: Cant save current query from AQL editor ui * bumped version in `X-Arango-Version` compatibility header sent by arangosh and other client tools from `1.5` to `2.0`. * fixed startup options for arango-dfdb, added details option for arango-dfdb * fixed display of missing error messages and codes in arangosh * when creating a collection via the web interface, the collection type was always “document”, regardless of the user’s choiceAshikawaCore 0.10 Released: Enhancements & Updates | ArangoDB
We just released version 0.10 of the low-level ArangoDB Ruby driver Ashikawa::Core. It supports both ArangoDB 1.4 and 2.0. For more details see the release notes.
We’re also working on the first version of Guacamole: It is an ODM for Rails and is based upon Ashikawa::Core.
ArangoDB Sharding Release 2.0.0-rc1: Enhanced Scalability
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Sharding has come to ArangoDB. We are proud to announce the release candidate of ArangoDB 2.0.0. The ArangoDB 2 is API downward compatible to ArangoDB 1.4. ArangoDB 2 can be used as standalone or distributed system. You can use the same packages / binaries for a stadalone and a sharding setup. See “setup cluster” for how to enable the cluster features of ArangoDB 2 and how to distribute your data to many servers. Please note that the datafiles are not compatible. ArangoDB 2 will convert these files to a newer format. If you only want to play with the new sharding features, make sure that you use a separate database directory. Where to go next? – a general introduction – how set up a distributed cluster. coming soon: guidelines for API implementors
ArangoDB 1.4.9 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes
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A bug-fix release is available
v1.4.9 (2014-02-07) ——————- * return a document’s current etag in response header for HTTP HEAD requests on documents that return an HTTP 412 (precondition failed) error. This allows retrieving the document’s current revision easily. * added AQL function `SKIPLIST` to directly access skiplist indexes from AQL This is a shortcut method to use a skiplist index for retrieving specific documents in indexed order. The function capability is rather limited, but it may be used for several cases to speed up queries. The documents are returned in index order if only one condition is used. /* return all documents with mycollection.created > 12345678 */ FOR doc IN SKIPLIST(mycollection, { created: [[ ‘>’, 12345678 ]] }) RETURN doc /* return first document with mycollection.created > 12345678 */ FOR doc IN SKIPLIST(mycollection, { created: [[ ‘>’, 12345678 ]] }, 0, 1) RETURN doc /* return all documents with mycollection.created between 12345678 and 123456790 */ FOR doc IN SKIPLIST(mycollection, { created: [[ ‘>’, 12345678 ], [ ‘<=’, 123456790 ]] }) RETURN doc /* return all documents with mycollection.a equal 1 and .b equal 2 */ FOR doc IN SKIPLIST(mycollection, { a: [[ ‘==’, 1 ]], b: [[ ‘==’, 2 ]] }) RETURN doc The function requires a skiplist index with the exact same attributes to be present on the specified colelction. All attributes present in the skiplist index must be specified in the conditions specified for the `SKIPLIST` function. Attribute declaration order is important, too: attributes must be specified in the same order in the condition as they have been declared in the skiplist index. * added command-line option `–server.disable-authentication-unix-sockets` with this option, authentication can be disabled for all requests coming in via UNIX domain sockets, enabling clients located on the same host as the ArangoDB server to connect without authentication. Other connections (e.g. TCP/IP) are not affected by this option. The default value for this option is `false`. Note: this option is only supported on platforms that support Unix domain sockets. * fail if invalid `strategy`, `order` or `itemOrder` attribute values are passed to the AQL TRAVERSAL function. Omitting these attributes is not considered an error, but specifying an invalid value for any of these attributes will make an AQL query fail. * call global arangod instance destructor on shutdown * issue #755: TRAVERSAL does not use strategy, order and itemOrder options these options were not honored when configuring a traversal via the AQL TRAVERSAL function. Now, these options are used if specified. * allow vertex and edge filtering with user-defined functions in TRAVERSAL, TRAVERSAL_TREE and SHORTEST_PATH AQL functions: // using user-defined AQL functions for edge and vertex filtering RETURN TRAVERSAL(friends, friendrelations, “friends/john”, “outbound”, { followEdges: “myfunctions::checkedge”, filterVertices: “myfunctions::checkvertex” }) // using the following custom filter functions var aqlfunctions = require(“org/arangodb/aql/functions”); aqlfunctions.register(“myfunctions::checkedge”, function (config, vertex, edge, path) { return (edge.type !== ‘dislikes’); // don’t follow these edges }, false); aqlfunctions.register(“myfunctions::checkvertex”, function (config, vertex, path) { if (vertex.isDeleted || ! vertex.isActive) { return [ “prune”, “exclude” ]; // exclude these and don’t follow them } return [ ]; // include everything else }, false); * issue #748: add vertex filtering to AQL’s TRAVERSAL[_TREE]() functionArangoDB 1.4.6: Enhancements & Bug Fixes Released
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A new release of ArangoDB is available for download.
- issue #736: AQL function to parse collection and key from document handle
- added fm.rescan() method for Foxx-Manager
- fixed issue #734: foxx cookie and route problem
- added method `fm.configJson` for arangosh
- include `startupPath` in result of API `/_api/foxx/config`
ArangoDB 1.4.5 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes
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A new release of ArangoDB is available for download
- fixed issue #726: Alternate Windows Install Method
- fixed issue #716: dpkg -P doesn’t remove everything
- fixed bugs in description of HTTP API `_api/index`
- fixed issue #732: Rest API GET revision number
- added missing documentation for several methods in HTTP API `/_api/edge/…`
- fixed typos in description of HTTP API `_api/document`
- defer evaluation of AQL subqueries and logical operators (lazy evaluation)
- Updated font in WebFrontend, it now contains a version that renders properly on windows
- generally allow function return values as call parameters to AQL functions
- fixed potential deadlock in global context method execution
- added override file “arangod.conf.local” (and co)
ArangoDB Xmas Edition 1.4.4: Release Notes and Updates
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We have released the bug-fix version 1.4.4 of ArangoDB. While this version only contains minor fixes, we have switched to a new build system for Windows. We are now using Visual Studio 2013 and CMAKE to build ArangoDB under Windows. This also includes a new installer (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System). ArangoDB can now be installed as a service under Windows.
Unix The configuration is now called “arangod.conf” instead of “arangod-uid.conf” in order to avoid confusion.
Windows The default installation directory is “c:Program FilesArangoDB-1.x.y”. During the installation process you may change this. In the following description we will assume that ArangoDB has been installed in the location ROOTDIR. You have to be careful when choosing an installation directory. You need either write permission to this directoy or you need to modify the config file for the server process. In the latter case the database directory and the Foxx directory should must be writable by the user.
Installating for a single user Select a different directory during installation. For example “C:/Users//arangodb” or “C:/ArangoDB”. Installating for multiple users Keep the default directory. After the installation edit the file “ROOTDIR/etc/arangodb/arangod.conf”. Adjust the “directory” and “app-path” so that these paths point into your home directory.
[database] directory = @HOMEDRIVE@/@HOMEPATH@/arangodb/databases [javascript] app-path = @HOMEDRIVE@/@HOMEPATH@/arangodb/appsCreate the directories for each user that wants to use ArangoDB.
Installating as Service Keep the default directory. After the installation open a command line as administrator (search for “cmd” and right click “run as administrator”)
cmd> arangod –install-service INFO: adding service ‘ArangoDB – the multi-purpose database’ (internal ‘ArangoDB’) INFO: added service with command line ‘”C:Program Files (x86)ArangoDB 1.4.4binarangod.exe” –start-service’Open the service manager and start ArangoDB. In order to enable logging edit the file “/etc/arangodb/arangod.conf” and uncomment the file option.
[log] file = @ROOTDIR@/var/log/arangodb/arangod.logArangoDB 1.4: Introducing Multiple Databases Feature
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ArangoDB 1.4 provides support for multiple databases, a feature often requested by our users.
Motivation In the old days, ArangoDB provided the option to create multiple collections, but all collections were created on the same level. As there was no hierarchy of collections, there was a chance of having a collection name clash when using one ArangoDB server for multiple applications. For example, running multiple applications inside the same ArangoDB server did not work if all applications created their own
users collections. Workarounds, such as prefixing collection names, were required to make older ArangoDB versions play nicely with multiple applications. With ArangoDB 1.4, multiple databases are supported natively. Workarounds such as prefixing collection names with application names, can go away now.
(more…)ArangoDB 1.4.1 Available: Discover Enhancements | ArangoDB ’13
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The bug-fix release 1.4.1 of ArangoDB is available for download. The fixed issues can be found in the changelog. It also fixes a problem with some of the build packages. The arangod daemon process was under some distributions started as root.
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