Introducing milestone release model and why is it better
When developing ArangoDB, we want to share with you new features as early as possible. For example, the pregel implementation that will become part of ArangoDB 3.2 was ready for testing weeks before the release date of the first beta release and the final release of 3.2.
Therefore we decided to create intermediate releases, called alpha releases, which contain new feature as early as they became stable. The benefits for the community and also for our developers team are: Read more
ArangoDB Online Meetup & Webinar Announced
Today we are glad to announce the start of ArangoDB Online meetup. As our international open-source community is growing with every passing day, we keep getting requests from members around the world on doing a tech meet or a short demo on ArangoDB. Quite a few members have already taken the initiative of presenting at conferences and local meetups – big “thank you” for that! Adding to that effort, it’s high time that we all moved to that one place where we can all connect and everyone has a chance to give/ participate in a talk. And what better way is there to bring us all together than meeting online? Read more
Arangochair – a tool for listening to changes in ArangoDB
The ArangoDB team gave me an opportunity to write a tutorial about arangochair. Arangochair is the first attempt to listen for changes in the database and execute actions like pushing a document to the client or execute an AQL query. Currently it is limited to single nodes.
This tutorial is loosely based on the example at baslr/arangochair-serversendevents-demo
arangochair is a Node.js module hosted on npm which make it fairly easy to install. Just run
npm install arangochair
and its installed. Read more
Arangoexport – a tool for exporting data from ArangoDB
With the release of the initial alpha of ArangoDB version 3.2 we also include the preview of the new export tool arangoexport. Alpha2 of ArangoDB 3.2 can be downloaded here. An export functionality was initially requested by one of our community members to view an ArangoDB graph view the Cytoscape visualizer.
Arangoexport is capable of exporting a graph or certain collections of a graph to xgmml, Cytoscape’s graph format. But arangoexport is not limited to this. It can also generate JSON or JSONL data exports of arbitrary collections. Read more
Florian Leibert & Luca Olivari Join ArangoDB
We have some amazing news today. Two brilliant minds are joining ArangoDB and our recently founded Advisory Council. Florian Leibert is CEO of Mesosphere and Luca Olivari former Executive at Oracle and MongoDB. Together with their rare expertise we can further sharpen our focus on cutting edge technologies and accelerate our growth.
Maybe a few words about Florian and Luca: Read more
ArangoDB: Consensus for Enhanced Data Stability
– law of the polish-lithuanian common-wealth, 1505
A warning aforehand: this is a rather longish post, but hang in there it might be saving you a lot of time one day.
Consensus has its etymological roots in the latin verb consentire, which comes as no surprise to mean to consent, to agree. As old as the verb equally old is the concept in the brief history of computer science. It designates a crucial necessity of distributed appliances. More fundamentally, consensus wants to provide a fault-tolerant distributed animal brain to higher level appliances such as deployed cluster file systems, currency exchange systems, or specifically in our case distributed databases, etc. Read more
ArangoDB 2016 – A Year in Review
Important Steps this Year
2016 is about to see its final days and things are calming down, so Frank and I thought about the year that lies behind us. It was a really exciting year for the whole ArangoDB project and for us as founders. In 2016 we saw our team doubling in size, ArangoDB 3 series got launched and we became part of the Target Partners family. Many other great things happened this year and with this post we want to take the chance to say “Thank you” to all our supporters.
For the whole team it was and is super motivating to see that practically the same growth we experienced team-wise happened to the ArangoDB community. Exceeding the 3000 stargazer landmark right before Christmas was indeed a nice present, but it also reminds us that more and more people rely on what we create. Read more
Starting an ArangoDB cluster the easy way
Recently, we have got a lot of feedback about the fact that standing up an ArangoDB cluster “manually” is an awkward and error-prone affair. We have been aware of this for some time, but always expected that most users running ArangoDB clusters would do so on Apache Mesos or DC/OS, where deployment is a breeze due to our ArangoDB framework.
However, for various valid reasons people do not want to use Apache Mesos and thus are back to square one with the problem of deploying an ArangoDB cluster without Apache Mesos. Read more
ArangoDB FoxxChallenge: Developer Competition
The Challenge
Starting today we launch the ArangoDB #FoxxChallenge and the winner will receive a brand new Amazon Echo.
Use your knowledge about everyday needs in projects and create a Foxx service that could be helpful for others. If you need some inspiration here some ideas: Read more
ArangoDB Snapcraft Packaging: Simplified Deployment
ArangoDB Packaging
With ArangoDB 3.0 we reworked the build process to be based completely on cmake. The packaging was partly done using cpack (Windows, Mac), for the rest regular packaging scripts on the SuSE OBS were used. With ArangoDB 3.1 we reworked all packaging to be included in the ArangoDB Source code and use CPack. Users can now easily use that to build their own Packages from the source, as we do with Jenkins. Community member Artur Janke (@servusoft) contributed the new ubuntu snap packaging assisted by Michael Hall (@mhall119). Big thanks for that!
Download packages for Snap Ubuntu Core16.04 Read more
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