Speeding Up Array Operations: ArangoDB Performance Tips
Last week some further optimization slipped into 2.6. The optimization can provide significant speedups in AQL queries using huge array/object bind parameters and passing them into V8-based functions. It started with an ArangoDB user reporting a specific query to run unexpectedly slow. The part of the query that caused the problem was simple and looked…
Performance Comparison: ArangoDB vs MongoDB, Neo4j, OrientDB
The latest edition of the NoSQL Performance Benchmark (2018) has been released. Please click here My recent blog post “Native multi-model can compete” has sparked considerable interest on HN and other channels. As expected, the community has immediately suggested improvements to the published code base and I have already published updated results several times (special…
Working with ArangoDB: Insights from Francis at Boostport
As an open-source project we are always happy when we learn about new projects that use ArangoDB and we are thankful for any feedback; on how working with ArangoDB and/or interacting with the team – has helped your projects to develop. If you have a story you want to share, please get in touch. Recently…
Public Key Infrastructure: Setup Guide for Debian & Ubuntu
We want to have a full chain of trust for our debian packages. Therefore the Suse Open Build Service (OBS) service signs them. We publish the key alongside the repository. However, one can do better and do the validation right on apt-get install arangodb. Here’s how:
Multi-Model Benchmark: Assessing ArangoDB’s Versatility
Claudius Weinberger, CEO ArangoDB TL;DR Native multi-model databases combine different data models like documents or graphs in one tool and even allow to mix them in a single query. How can this concept compete with a pure document store like MongoDB or a graph database like Neo4j? I myself and a lot of folks in…
Getting Unique Values: Efficient Data Retrieval in ArangoDB
While paging through the issues in the ArangoDB issue tracker I came across issue #987, titled “Trying to get distinct document attribute values from a large collection fails”. The issue was opened around 10 months ago when ArangoDB 2.2 was around. We improved AQL performance somewhat since then, so I was eager to see how…
ArangoDB 2.6 Alpha3: Testing New Features & Performance
The 2.6 release preparations are on track: with a 3rd alpha release available for testing purposes today. Please download the latest alpha build and provide us your valuable feedback. We put great efforts in speeding-up core ArangoDB functionality to make AQL queries perform much better than in earlier versions of ArangoDB. The queries that improved…
MERII Hummingbird A80 Optimus Cluster: ArangoDB Deployment
For running ArangoDB in clusters doing performance tests we wanted to have a non virtualized set of descent hardware with fast ethernet connection, enough RAM (since thats what Arango needs) and multicore CPU. Since you need a bunch of them, cheap ARM devel boards come to mind. The original Raspberry PI (we have those) is…