ArangoJS 4 Alpha: Available Now for Testing

The first alpha of the official JavaScript driver arangojs‘ upcoming major release is now available on npm. Version 4 streamlines the driver’s API by removing unnecessary server roundtrips to obtain references to collections and graphs that already exist: Before: var db = require(‘arangojs’)(); db.collection(‘users’) .then(function(collection) { return collection.import(allTheUsers) }) .then(function() { return db.collection(‘blogs’) }) .then(function(collection)…


Building AQL Query Strings: Tips and Best Practices | ArangoDB Blog

I recently wrote two recipes about generating AQL query strings. They are contained in the ArangoDB cookbook by now: Avoiding parameter injection in AQL Writing multi-line AQL queries After that, Github user tracker1 suggested in Github issue 1457 to take the ES6 template string variant even further, using a generator function for string building, and…


ArangoDB Weekly 33: V8 Upgrade and ArangoDB 2.6.7 Highlights

In the last two weeks we’ve fixed some issues, upgraded the bundled V8 version in ArangoDB and released the maintenance release 2.6.5 and 2.6.7 . Besides that we continued our efforts to enhance our indexing capabilities and startet further cluster tests. ArangoDB Release The next maintenance release for ArangoDB 2.6 is available for download. You…


ArangoDB 2.6.7: Maintenance Release Overview | ArangoDB Blog

A new maintenance release 2.6.7 is available for download. Changelog: Improved edge index performance when using collections with more than 100 Mio. edges added startup option –server.additional-threads to create separate queues for slow requests.


ArangoDB 2.6.5: Maintenance Release Highlights | ArangoDB Blog

ArangoDB 2.6.5 is available for download. This is a bugfix release that solves the following issues: fixed busy wait loop in scheduler threads that sometimes consumed 100% CPU while waiting for events on connections closed unexpectedly by the client side handle attribute indexBuckets when restoring collections via arangorestore. Previously the indexBuckets attribute value from the…


ArangoDB Weekly 32: Updates, Tips, and Community Highlights

In the past two weeks we’ve celebrated some lock-hunting days, trying to eliminate read/write locks to enhance throughput . Furthermore, we did some large cluster tests on GCE, which will be continued over the next days. A maintenance release of ArangoDB 2.6, released earlier this week, comes with a new V8 engine. ArangoDB Releases Two…


Efficient Lock-Free Data Structure Protection | ArangoDB Blog

Motivation In multi-threaded applications running on multi-core systems, it occurs often that there are certain data structures, which are frequently read but relatively seldom changed. An example of this would be a database server that has a list of databases that changes rarely, but needs to be consulted for every single query hitting the database….


Throughput Enhancements: Boosting ArangoDB Performance

We’ve recently been working on improving ArangoDB’s throughput, especially when using the ArangoDB’s interface. In this post, I will show some of the improvements already achieved, though the work is not yet finished. Therefore, the results shown here are still somewhat preliminary. We wanted to measure improvements for ArangoDB’s HTTP interface, and so we used…


ArangoDB 2.6.4: Maintenance Release Overview | ArangoDB Blog

ArangoDB Version 2.6.4 comes with an upgraded V8 engine ( and is ready to download now. In the 2.5 branch we’ve published a 2.5.7 maintenance release as well.


Running V8 Isolates in Multi-Threaded ArangoDB

ArangoDB allows running user-defined JavaScript code in the database. This can be used for more complex, stored procedures-like database operations. Additionally, ArangoDB’s Foxx framework can be used to make any database functionality available via an HTTP REST API. It’s easy to build data-centric microservices with it, using the scripting functionality for tasks like access control,…


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