ArangoDB 2.8 Beta 2: Explore New Features

The second beta of ArangoDB 2.8 is available for testing. Now it’s your turn – give it a try, report bugs and provide us with your early feedback on the new features (Array Indexes and graph traversal in AQL). Do you like what you see? Here’s what changed recently (beta 1 / beta 2):


ArangoDB Weekly 40: Updates, Tips, and Community Highlights

Our upcoming release ArangoDB 2.8 is currently available as BETA , adding stunning new features to AQL and allowing to make use of array indexing. In our beta announcement we list all the details and explain how to use graph traversals in pure AQL. Please give it a try and help us finish the release…


ArangoDB 2.8 Beta 1: Test the Latest Features

The first beta release of ArangoDB 2.8 is available for download now, adding Array Indexes and Graph Traversals in AQL. Please try the new version, report bugs on Github and provide us your valuable feedback. Check out the latest blog posts to get some more background about performance improvements and added features.


ArangoDB 2.8 API Changes: What You Need to Know

There are a few API changes coming in the next 2.8 release. Please have a look if you contribute to a language driver or client-side query builder for ArangoDB.


AQL Function Speedups: ArangoDB 2.8 Enhancements

While working on the upcoming ArangoDB 2.8, we have reimplemented some AQL functions in C++ for improved performance. AQL queries using these functions may benefit from using the new implementation of the function. The following list shows the AQL functions for which a C++ implementation has been added in 2.8. The other C++-based AQL function…


ArangoDB 2.7.2: Replication Improvements

ArangoDB 2.7.2 comes with replication improvements and some bug fixes. You can download the latest version from our download page. Replication improvements: added autoResync configuration parameter for continuous replication.


Using Multiple Indexes per Collection in ArangoDB

The query optimizer in ArangoDB 2.8 has been improved in terms of how it can make use of indexes. In previous versions of ArangoDB, the query optimizer could use only one index per collection used in an AQL query. When using a logical OR in a FILTER condition, the optimizer did not use any index…


Index Speedups in ArangoDB 2.8: Enhancements

The upcoming 2.8 version of ArangoDB will provide several improvements in the area of index usage and query optimization. First of all, hash and skiplist indexes can now index individual array values. A dedicated post on this will follow shortly. Second, the query optimizer can make use multiple indexes per collection for queries with OR-combined…


Foxx Module Resolution Changes in ArangoDB 2.8

The implementation of the JavaScript require function will be adjusted to improve compatibility with npm modules. The current implementation in 2.7 and earlier versions of ArangoDB strictly adheres to the CommonJS module standard, which deviates from the behaviour implemented in Node and browser bundlers. Module paths will now be resolved in the following ways:


Enhanced Deadlock Detection: Improving ArangoDB Performance

The upcoming ArangoDB version 2.8 (currently in devel) will provide a much better deadlock detection mechanism than its predecessors. The new deadlock detection mechanism will kick in automatically when it detects operations that are mutually waiting for each other. In case it finds such deadlock, it will abort one of the operations so that the…


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