ArangoDB 3.0: A Solid Foundation for Scalability

After 6 months of development we are happy and excited to announce the fully production ready ArangoDB 3.0 today! Get ArangoDB 3.0 now! We designed ArangoDB as a native multi-model DB from the first line of code. By providing three major NoSQL data models in one technology the ArangoDB team wants to fulfill its mission…


Discover ArangoDB 3.0: New Cluster Features

The 3.0 release of ArangoDB will introduce a completely overhauled cluster and marks a major milestone on its road to “zero-maintenance” where you can keep focus on your product instead of your datacenter. Synchronous replication Earlier releases of ArangoDB already featured asynchronous replication. This was already a great method to do backups and allowed for…


ArangoDB 3.0 Alpha Release: Getting Closer to the Future

There is this German saying “If it takes long enough, it will be all right in the end.” However, since just “all right” isn’t our quality standard this first alpha of 3.0 took us a bit longer to finish up than planned. We´d like to invite you to give this fully tested alpha a serious…


ArangoDB Bi-Weekly 48: Alpha Release Teases ArangoDB 3.0

The whole team at ArangoDB has been hacking “day-and-night” and the alpha version of the upcoming ArangoDB 3.0 release is available for testing! All our tests (290.000 lines of code) are green so it’s worth giving it a spin. We would really appreciate your feedback e.g. via our #feedback30 channel on Slack. In the other…


DC/OS: Modernizing Distributed Database Management

The mission of ArangoDB is to simplify the complexity of data work. ArangoDB is a distributed native multi-model NoSQL database that supports JSON documents, graphs and key-value pairs in one database engine with one query language. The cluster management is based on Apache Mesos, a battle-hardened technology. With the launch of DC/OS by a community…


Index Free Adjacency or Hybrid Indexes for Graph Databases

Some graph database vendors propagandize index-free adjacency for the implementation of graph models. There has been some discussion on Wikipedia about what makes a database a graph database. These vendors tried to push the definition of index-free adjacency as foundation of graph databases, but were stopped by the community.


ArangoDB 2.8.7 Maintenance Release: Bug Fixes and Enhancements

Our next maintenance release – ArangoDB 2.8.7 – comes with several bug fixes and improved Foxx backwards compatibility. Here is a list of changes:


ArangoDB 2.8.6 Maintenance Release: Enhancements and Fixes

The ArangoDB 2.8.6 maintenance release comes with improved arangosh and some general bug fixes. You can download the latest version from our download page.


ArangoDB Spartan Mode: Optimize Performance and Resource Usage

Most of us saw the fantastic movie 300 (I did it last night…again) or at least read the comics. 300 spartans barely wearing anything but achieving a lot. This little how-to will show you how to put ArangoDB into Spartan-Mode and thereby reduce memory-footprint and CPU usage. Big thanks to Conrad from L.A. for his…


Using GraphQL with ArangoDB: A NoSQL Database Solution

GraphQL is a query language created by Facebook for modern web and mobile applications as an alternative to REST APIs. Following the original announcement alongside Relay, Facebook has published an official specification and reference implementation in JavaScript. Recently projects outside Facebook like Meteor have also begun to embrace GraphQL.


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