ArangoML Part 2: Streamlining Machine Learning Workflows
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
This post is the second in a series of posts about machine learning and showcasing the benefits ArangoML adds to your machine learning pipelines. In this post we:
- Introduce machine learning concepts
- Demonstrate basic model building
- Log a model building activity with arangopipe

Posts in this series:
ArangoML Part 1: Where Graphs and Machine Learning Meet
ArangoML Part 2: Basic Arangopipe Workflow
ArangoML Part 3: Bootstrapping and Bias Variance
ArangoML Part 4: Detecting Covariate Shift in Datasets
ArangoML Series: Intro to NetworkX Adapter
ArangoML Series: Multi-Model Collaboration
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What’s new in ArangoDB 3.6: OneShard Deployments and Performance Improvements
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What’s new in ArangoDB 3.6: OneShard Deployments and Performance Improvements
Release Candidate 2 of the ArangoDB 3.6 available for testing
ArangoML Part 1: Where Graphs and Machine Learning Meet
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

This post is the first in a series of posts introducing ArangoML and showcasing its benefits to your machine learning pipelines. In this first post, we look at what exactly ArangoML is, with later posts in this series showcasing the different tools and use cases.
(more…)Fixing a Memory Leak in Go: Understanding time.After
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Recently, we decided to investigate why our application ARANGOSYNC for synchronizing two ArangoDB clusters across data centers used up a lot of memory – around 2GB in certain cases. The environment contained ~1500 shards with 5000 GOroutines. Thanks to tools like pprof (to profile CPU and memory usage) it was very easy to identify the issue. The GO profiler showed us that memory was allocated in the function `time.After()` and it accumulated up to nearly 1GB. The memory was not released so it was clear that we had a memory leak. We will explain how memory leaks can occur using the `time.After()` function through three examples.
(more…)ArangoDB 3.7 – A Big Step Forward for Multi-Model
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

When our founders realized that data models can be features, we at ArangoDB set ourselves the big goal of developing the most flexible database. With today’s GA release of ArangoDB 3.7, the project reached an important milestone on this journey.
(more…)ArangoDB Assembles 10,000 GitHub Stargazers
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Today is a marvelous day for the ArangoDB project and the community behind it.
A couple of minutes ago, the 10,000th stargazer joined the project on GitHub, and we want to send a really big “Thank You!” to each and everyone of you for showing your support.
Thank you for all your pull requests, issue reports, emails, meetings, projects, votings and reviews, which forge our thinking and fuel our motivation.
A few years ago, we were only a small team of engineers who started to raise the question “Can data models become features?”.
Back then developers had to either stay with one database and construct workarounds to make up for missing capabilities, or introduce a second, maybe even third, persistence technology into their applications – and all the complexity that comes along with it. With native multi-model in ArangoDB, developers can easily go “Graph & Beyond” and basically just have to change a query to use the right data model for the right job.
The feedback to the idea of a multi-model database has not always been “Hurray!!!”. Many criticized the idea behind ArangoDB for working on some kind of ‘silver bullet’ which we all know does not exist. But, ultimately, it is about software. Developers always find ways to overcome a problem and code complexity away. And this is what we did to databases.
Guided by our users, customers and founders we got rid of the need to manage multiple databases and even allow to combine data models in a single query. With ArangoGraph, users do not even have to worry about running ArangoDB as a dedicated team is doing it for them.
Fast forward to 2020, and the small team grew to over 60 people and a community of thousands of Arangos around the globe. Multi-model is a thing now and, according to DB-Engines, ArangoDB is among the most popular Graph and Document databases, as well as Search Engines.
Without many early believers, especially on the customer side, we would have never crossed this milestone today. A very grateful “Thank you!!!” goes out to all our customers who put their trust in a very early product in 2016 and 2017, and our investors, Bow Capital & Target Partners, who saw the huge potential of data models becoming features and their exceptional support.
The whole team is so grateful for all your energy lighting up so many bulbs :)
To graph and beyond!

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ArangoDB Included in DBTA 100: The Companies That Matter Most in Data
A Deep And Fuzzy Dive Into Search
Estimated reading time: 16 minutes
Together with my team, I took a deep dive into the available fuzzy search approaches and algorithms for quite a while, in order to find a performant solution for the various projects ArangoSearch gets used for.
Since the introduction of ArangoSearch back in 2018, many of our users have asked for fuzzy search support. We worked hard on getting this done, and the whole team is now excited to finally make fuzzy search available with the upcoming ArangoDB 3.7.
In the following, we will share our learnings and hope they are useful for you.
(more…)Do Graph Databases Scale? Yes? No? Let’s see!
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
Graph Databases are a great solution for many modern use cases: Fraud Detection, Knowledge Graphs, Asset Management, Recommendation Engines, IoT, Permission Management … you name it.
All such projects benefit from a database technology capable of analyzing highly connected data points and their relations fast – Graph databases are designed for these tasks.
But the nature of graph data poses challenges when it comes to *buzzword alert* scalability. So why is this, and are graph databases capable of scaling? Let’s see…
(more…)ArangoDB 3.7 BETA – Graph & Search Engine Upgrades
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

After many weeks of designing, implementing, and testing we are happy to announce that all the exciting features are now in place for ArangoDB 3.7. We are proud to share a 3.7 Beta 1 preview release, which provides an opportunity for you to try out all upcoming features before the final release. On the ArangoDB technical preview page you’ll find the Beta 1 packages for the Community and Enterprise Editions, so you can install, play and test locally.
(more…)Red Hat Certifies ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Hi all!
I think this year has thrown us for quite a loop, full of unexpected occurrences, both joyous and difficult. With everything going on in the world at the moment, we feel it’s more important than ever to celebrate what you can .
So with that, just a quick note from us that our Kubernetes Operator has achieved Red Hat OpenShift Operator Certification. And as far as we can tell, this means we are the first graph database to reach full certification for Red Hat OpenShift. Huzzah!
(more…)Best Practices for AQL Graph Queries
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

The ArangoDB Query Language(AQL) was designed to accomplish a few important goals, including:
- Be a human-readable query language
- Client independency
- Support complex query patterns
- Support all ArangoDB data models with one language
The goal of this guide is to ensure Read more
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