August 2022: What’s the Latest with ArangoDB?
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Hello Community,
Welcome to the ArangoDB newsletter for August 2022. This month, we invite you to:
- Register for ArangoDB Summit
- Receive a walkthrough of the ArangoDB-PyG Adapter
- Sign up for a webinar about best practices for running ArangoDB clusters
- Listen to an episode of ArangoDB Radio
- Read this month’s ArangoDB Cloud update
- Leave us a review on G2
Upcoming Event: ArangoDB Summit 2022

Our inaugural Summit on Machine Learning for Graph will take place virtually on October 4th – 5th, 2022.
Join us for this FREE event to hear thought-provoking talks from technology experts at Altana AI, HPE, Juniper, MetaCX, NCBI, NIH, Orange, and more. And, with multiple tracks to choose from, you can be the first to know about the latest release of ArangoDB and see first-hand how Community members are using it. You will learn valuable tips and tricks in the process. Don’t miss it!
Tuesday, October 4th – Wednesday, October 5th, 2022
From the Blog: Introducing the ArangoDB-PyG Adapter
We are proud to announce the GA 1.0 release of the ArangoDB-PyG Adapter!
The ArangoDB-PyG Adapter exports graphs from ArangoDB into PyTorch Geometric (PyG), a PyTorch-based Graph Neural Network library, and vice-versa. This blog post serves as a walkthrough of the ArangoDB-PyG Adapter via its official Jupyter Notebook.
Upcoming Webinar: What You Always Wanted to Know About ArangoDB Clusters and Were Too Afraid to Ask

Following best practices for running ArangoDB clusters is generally not complicated once it is clear if clustering is required for safety, performance, or both. Resources then need to be allocated, and within no time, the cluster is up and running.
Join us for this webinar, where we will address all aspects of a responsible and dependable operation of ArangoDB clusters – large and small.
Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 – 11:00am PDT / 2:00pm EDT / 8:00pm CEST
Community Spotlight: ArangoDB Radio

Have you listened to our podcast, ArangoDB Radio, yet?
ArangoDB Radio is curated for the ArangoDB community with insightful conversations at the intersections of machine learning, data science, graph databases, ethics, business, and philosophy. In a recent episode, our special guest was Duong Vu, data scientist at UrbanLogiq and founder of the Women in Science Vancouver group. Duong discussed how to become a data scientist, creating ML products that generate profits, providing urban planners with data like never before, and much more!
You can access ArangoDB Radio on popular podcast platforms such as Spotify, Google Podcasts and Stitcher, among others. Check it out!
ArangoDB Cloud Monthly News

Curious about our cloud service, ArangoDB ArangoGraph? Check out this month’s updates on our blog, which include details about private endpoint support for additional cloud providers and the status of multi-region backups.
Not using ArangoDB Cloud yet? Not a problem! Sign up for a free trial today.
Upcoming Events
Where else can you find ArangoDB?
- August 21: FrOSCon – Machine Learning + Graph Database for Better Recommendations
- September 21-22: Big Data LDN – Visit us at booth 338
- September 26: International JavaScript Conference – JavaScript Recommendation Engine with Machine Learning Databases
- October 24 – 28: KubeCon|Cloud Native Con North America – Visit our booth
ArangoDB recognized as Leader on G2

We couldn’t be more thrilled to be recognized by our users as a Graph Database Leader on G2.
Have a few minutes to spare? Then take a break and write a review about your experience with us.
Write a review now and earn a $25 gift card! ->
We hope you enjoyed our latest news!
Until next month,
The ArangoDB Team
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