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ArangoDB JavaScript Driver 3.7: Promises & Performance

ArangoJS, the official ArangoDB JavaScript client, has been updated to version 3.7.0. The new release features significant performance improvements in Node.js and io.js. The dependency on the third-party request module has been replaced with a thin wrapper around node’s own http module, bringing a 3-4x performance improvement for consecutive requests by maintaining a connection pool.

The earlier 3.5 release also added optional support for ES6 promises. While ArangoJS does not provide a promise implementation itself, all asynchronous methods now return promises in JavaScript environments that support them – whether natively (e.g. in io.js or modern browsers) or using a polyfill like es6-promise.

The latest version of ArangoJS is available on NPM and GitHub.

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Alan Plum

Alan is an experienced web developer who feels equally at home in the backend and frontend. At ArangoDB he works on everything regarding JavaScript, with a special focus on Foxx.


  1. Дмитрий Димитрий on August 4 2015, at 3:35 pm

    How to use with client standalone in browser without node.js?

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