Git Commit Analysis with ArangoDB: Insightful Data Exploration
I often find myself searching for certain commits using git log
and friends. While I really love the power and flexibility that come with the git and other Unix command-line tools, sometimes it can be more convenient to use a database to filter and aggregate commit data.
I gave it a quick try yesterday and imported the commit history of ArangoDB’s Git repository into ArangoDB and ran some queries on the data.
// retrieving number of commits per month / year
query = 'FOR commit IN commits
COLLECT year = DATE_YEAR(commit.date), month = DATE_MONTH(commit.date)
RETURN { month: CONCAT(year, "/", month), count: count }';
While the query results for our repository may not be interesting for everyone, I think it is still worth sharing what I did. Even though I didn’t try it, I think the overall procedure is applicable with any other Git repository.
More queries and how to convert and import Git commits in ArangoDB: Read on in Jan’s Blog
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