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ArangoDB 1.3.0 Released: Explore New Features | ArangoDB ’13

This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB

Features and Improvements The following list shows in detail which features have been added or improved in ArangoDB 1.3. ArangoDB 1.3 also contains several bugfixes that are not listed here.

Changes to the Datafile Structure As the datafile structure has changed, please read the

upgrade manual carefully.

Rapid API Development with FOXX A preview of the forthcoming Foxx is contained in 1.3. Please note that this is not the final version, Foxx is still experimental. Foxx is a lightweight Javascript “micro framework” which allows you to build applications directly on top of ArangoDB and therefore skip the middleman (Rails, Django, Symfony or whatever your favorite web framework is). Inspired by frameworks like Sinatra Foxx is designed with simplicity and the specific use case of modern client-side MVC frameworks in mind. The screencast at

http://foxx.arangodb.com explains how to use Foxx.

Transactions ArangoDB provides server-side transactions that allow executing multi-document and even multi-collection operations with ACID guarantees. Transactions in ArangoDB are defined by providing a JavaScript object which needs to contain the transaction code, and some declarations about the collections involved in the transaction. The transaction code will be executed by the server en bloc. If execution of any statement in the transaction code fails for whatever reason, the entire transaction will be aborted and rolled back. Data modifications done by transactions become visible to following transactions only when a transaction succeeds. Data modifications that are performed by a still-ongoing transaction are not exposed to other parallel transactions. In fact, transactions on the same collection will be executed serially. The following example will atomically transfer money from one user account to another:

db.accounts.save({ _key: "john", amount: 423 });
db.accounts.save({ _key: "fred", amount: 197 });

  collections: {
    write: "accounts"
  params: {
    user1: "fred",
    user2: "john", 
    amount: 10
  action: function (params) {
    var db = require("internal").db;
    var account1 = db.accounts.document(params['user1']);
    var account2 = db.accounts.document(params['user2']);
    var amount = params['amount'];

    if (account1.amount < amount) {
      throw "account of user '" + user1 + "' does not have enough money!";

    db.accounts.update(account1, { amount : account1.amount - amount });
    db.accounts.update(account2, { amount : account2.amount + amount });

    /* will commit the transaction and return the value true */
    return true; 

Please refer to

Transactions for more details and examples on transaction usage in ArangoDB.

New Administration Interface ArangoDB 1.3 comes with a new administration front-end. The front-end is now based on backbone and uses repl.it, which allows for instance line editing when using the browser based ArangoDB shell. Please note, that the “Application” tab belongs to the forthcoming

Rapid API Development with FOXX Foxx. The functionality below this tab is neither stable nor complete. It has been shipped as a feature preview.

New Server Statistics The server statistics provided by ArangoDB have been changed in 1.3. Before version 1.3, the server provided a multi-level history of request and connection statistics. Values for each incoming request and connection were kept individually and mapped to the chronological period they appeared in. The server then provided aggregated values for different periods, which was implemented using a constant recalculation of the aggregation values. To lower ArangoDB’s CPU usage, the constant recalculation has been removed in 1.3. Instead, the server will now only keep aggregate values per figure reported, but will not provide any chronological values. Request and connection statistics values are 0 at server start, and will be increased with each incoming request or connection. Clients querying the statistics will see the accumulated values only. They can calculate the values for a period of time by querying the statistics twice and calculating the difference between the values themselves. The REST APIs for the statistics in ArangoDB 1.3 can be found at:



/_admin/statistics-description API can be used by clients to get descriptions for the figures reported by /_admin/statistics. The description will contain a textual description, the unit used for the value(s) and the boundary of slot values used. The previoulsy available APIs


are not available in ArangoDB 1.3 anymore.

AQL extensions It is now possible to extend AQL with user-defined functions. These functions need to be written in Javascript, and be registered before usage in an AQL query.

arangosh> var aqlfunctions = require("org/arangodb/aql/functions");
arangosh> aqlfunctions.register("myfunctions:double", function (value) { return value * 2; }, true);
arangosh> db._query("RETURN myfunctions:double(4)").toArray();
[ 8 ]

Please refer to

Extending AQL with User Functions for more details on this. There have been the following additional changes to AQL in ArangoDB 1.3:

  • added AQL numeric function SQRT to calculate square-roots.
  • added AQL string functions TRIM, LEFT and RIGHT for easier string and substring handling.
  • the AQL functions REVERSE and LENGTH now work on string values, too. Previously they were allowed for lists only.
  • made “limit” an optional parameter in the NEAR function. The “limit” parameter can now be either omitted completely, or set to 0. If so, an internal default value (currently 100) will be applied for the limit. Please refer to

Functions for detailed information on the AQL functions.

Node Modules and Packages ArangoDB 1.3 supports some of

modules and packages from node. The most important module is maybe the Buffer support, which allows to handle binary data in JavaScript.

arangosh> var Buffer = require("buffer").Buffer;
arangosh> a = new Buffer("414243", "hex");
arangosh> a = new Buffer("414243", "ascii");
arangosh> a = new Buffer([48, 49, 50]);

Supplying the Buffer class makes it possible to use other interesting modules like punycode. It enables us to support some of NPM packages available – for instance CoffeeScript.

arangosh> var cs = require("coffee-script");
arangosh> cs.compile("a = 1");
(function() {
  var a;

  a = 1;


arangosh> cs.compile("square = x -> x * x", { bare: true });
var square;

square = x(function() {
  return x * x;

“underscore” is also preinstalled.

arangosh> var _ = require("underscore");
arangosh> _.map([1,2,3], function(x) {return x*x;});

The node packages can be installed using npm in the “share/npm” directory. If you find out, that a node package is also working under ArangoDB, please share your findings with us and other users.

Miscelleanous changes

  • Added server startup option --database.force-sync-properties to force syncing of collection properties on collection creation, deletion and on collection properties change.The default value is true to mimic the behavior of previous versions of ArangoDB. If set to false, collection properties are still written to disk but no immediate system call to sync() is made. Setting the --database.force-sync-properties to false may speed up running test suites on systems where sync() is expensive, but is discouraged for regular use cases.
  • ArangoDB will now reject saving documents with an invalid “type”.Previous versions of ArangoDB didn’t reject documents that were just scalar values without any attribute names. Starting with version 1.3, each document saved in ArangoDB must be a JSON object consisting of attribute name / attribute value pairs. Storing the following types of documents will be rejected by the server:
[ "foo", "bar" ]

Of course such values can be stored inside valid documents, e.g.

<pre>{ "data" : [ "foo", "bar" ] }

{ “number” : 1.23 }
{ “value” : “test” } User-defined document attribute names must also start with a letter or a number. It is disallowed to use user-defined attribute names starting with an underscore. This is due to name starting with an underscore being reserved for ArangoDB’s internal use.

  • Changed return value of REST API method /_admin/log:Previously, the log messages returned by the API in the text attribute also contained the date and log level, which was redundant. In ArangoDB 1.3, the values in the text attribute contain only the mere log message, and no date and log level. Dates and log levels for the individual messages are still available in the separate timestamp and level attributes.
  • Extended output of server version and components for REST APIs /_admin/version and /_api/version:To retrieve the extended information, the REST APIs can be called with the URL parameter details=true. This will provide a list of server version details in the details attribute of the result.
  • Extended output for REST API /_api/collection/<name>/figures:The result will now contain an attribute attributes with a sub-attribute count. This value provides the number of different attributes that are or have been used in the collection.
Frank Celler

Frank Celler

Frank is both entrepreneur and backend developer, developing mostly memory databases for two decades. He is the CTO and co-founder of ArangoDB. Try to challenge Frank asking him questions on C, C++ and MRuby. Besides Frank organizes Cologne’s NoSQL group & is an active member of NoSQL community.


  1. Maxwell Rebo on May 24, 2013 at 5:53 am

    Any updates to the Graph API for 1.4?

    • luebbert42 on May 27, 2013 at 10:54 am

      Hi Maxwell,

      are you waiting for something in particular? I am asking because the next release focuses on replication, but we are more than happy to hear your requirements on the graph api so that we can consider it either for this release or for the roadmap.

      • Maxwell Rebo on June 2, 2013 at 4:28 am

        Namely looking toward this item on the roadmap: “Graphs:
        Advanced Algorithms”.

        Honestly though, what takes an even higher priority for my projects is ternary search trees. Thank you for asking, and thank you for hosting this superb software.

        • jsteemann on June 4, 2013 at 7:14 pm

          What exactly would you use the ternary search trees for?
          Full-text searches? And if yes, do you have any experience with how the memory consumption of a ternary tree would be compared to regular prefix trees? Would be good to know!

          • Maxwell Rebo on June 11, 2013 at 8:58 pm

            The search tress would be used to return partially matched lists from the database, i.e. for autocomplete and similar functionality. And it should have a lesser memory footprint than standard prefix trees.

  2. jsteemann on June 4, 2013 at 7:13 pm

    What exactly would you use the ternary search trees for?
    searches? And if yes, do you have any experience with how the memory
    consumption of a ternary tree would be compared to regular prefix trees?

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