Heartbleed Bug: Impact on Windows Users | ArangoDB Insights

I assume you all heard about the Heartbleed Bug in OpenSSL. ArangoDB uses the system OpenSSL under linux and Mac OS. If you update your version to 1.0.1g or better, everything is fine.

However, the Windows contains static version of OpenSSL. So in case you want to use ArangoDB with HTTPS, you should update your ArangoDB version. The current installer for 1.4.14 and 2.0.2 contains the OpenSSL 1.0.1g.

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Looking for Beta Tester for the Windows Port

We have a beta version of the Windows port ready for testing. If you are feeling adventurous you can try the brand new beta port of ArangoDB 1.1.1 for windows. Please note, that currently this port only contains the server. The following pieces are still missing:

  • no management front-end to start/stop the server or install it as Windows service; the server must be started using a batch script
  • arangosh: instead you can use the ArangoDB shell using the admin front-end in the browser
  • arangoimp (bulk-importer)

To test the windows port:

  • download the installer
  • execute the MSI
  • this will install the server and the support files und "c:\triagens" (or whatever directory you select)
  • execute the batch script "serverExample.bat" in that directory
  • wait until you see "Have fun"
  • point your browser to "http://localhost:9000"

We have checked the MSI with Avira and tests it under XP, W7, W8. But there will be bugs. Please help us by reporting bugs you encounter using


If you have improvements or comments, please let us know using the Google group.

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