Weekly Newsletter – December 18, 2014 | ArangoDB Updates

ArangoDB Releases

We released ArangoDB 2.3.3 – a maintenance release with some bug fixes. Here are some of the fixes:

  • fixed error handling in instantiation of distributed AQL queries
  • issue #1185: parse non-fractional JSON numbers with exponent (e.g. 4e-261)
  • issue #1159: allow –server.request-timeout and –server.connect-timeout of 0

ArangoDB related (Drivers & more)

  • aqb 1.4.1: ArangoDB query builder (npm) fluent JS API by Alan Plum
  • guacamole 0.4.0 (rubygems.org): An ODM for ArangoDB by Dirk Breuer and Lucas Dohmen
  • Travesedo: J Patrick Davenport started a new Clojure driver for ArangoDB
  • pyArango (beta): Tariq Daouda contributed a python driver with validations. (more…)
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Weekly Newsletter – December 11, 2014 | ArangoDB Updates

ArangoDB Release

We released ArangoDB 2.3.2 with some bug fixes. You can find a full list of changes in our change-log. Here is a short extract:

  • added AQL optimizer rule for removing INTO from a COLLECT statement if not needed
  • fixed missing makeDirectory when fetching a Foxx application from a zip file
  • fixed issue #1173: AQL Editor “Save current query” resets user password

ArangoDB related (Drivers & more)

  • ArangoPy 0.5.3 (Python): Sascha Häusler has updated the Python driver so it is compatible with 2.3
  • ansible-arangodb 1.0.0: Patrick Huber made an install helper, in this case Ansible-Galaxy. Ansible is an IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous deployments or zero downtime rolling updates

Documentation and Cookbook

  • Joins in AQL: How to join documents from several collections. Thanks to Frank Celler


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November Recap: ArangoDB Updates & Highlights

November 2014 was a month where our staff (and the cute ArangoDB Foxx) collected lot’s of miles by visiting conferences, meetups and inspiring people in Europe, Africa, the US and Canada. If you missed a talk, there are plenty of slideshares / recordings available.

Release 2.3

Everyone who was not on a plane worked on ArangoDB 2.3 – our major release with a re-written query optimizer that optimizes execution plans, added/improved AQL functions and several performance improvements (@see Query Optimizer Tour by Jan). You can download ArangoDB 2.3.1 and start optimizing.

Frank added a docker file, so you might start shipping ArangoDB in a docker container as well. (more…)

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Prepare your answers… ArangoDB at NYC Database-Month on 11/11

There is a warm-up routine on every evening at the NYC Database Month. Speakers ask trivia questions to the auditorium, related to the topic of the following talk. The first correct answer wins some “swag”. On Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014 Max from ArangoDB will talk about Polyglot Persistence and multi-model NoSQL databases.

To get a competitive advantage, here are some questions Max might ask:

Q: What does the term Polyglot Persistence mean?
A: Use a variety of different data storage technologies for different kinds of data. (src: Martin Fowler)

Q: What types on NoSQL data-/ storage-models does ArangoDB support?
A: key/values, documents, graphs

Q: NoSQL often comes with restrictions – which of the following features are missing in ArangoDB: joins, transactions, ACID guarantees?
A: none. (ArangoDB even scales and provides competitive performance)

If you are around NYC, let’s grab a seat and watch Max on stage: http://www.databasemonth.com/database/polyglot-persistence

Can’t be there? Then here’s your chance. Be the first to answer the following question in the comments below and get a new ArangoDB t-shirt:

Q: How many different programming languages are supported by ArangoDB?

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Lucas Michael at FrOSCon: ArangoDB Community Event

Like every year, the ArangoDB team visited the FrOSCon. FrOSCon is the yearly Free and Open Source conference in St. Augustin, a small city near Cologne where the ArangoDB headquarters are. This year two talks were given by us, one by Michael and one by me, Lucas.

Michael gave a talk about “Multi-Model NoSQL Databases” and gave an introduction to Polyglot persistence and NoSQL. He also co-organized the JavaScript track of the conference with topics ranging from Angular JS to Property-based testing.
If you missed his talk, you can watch it here:

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Meet Lucas in California: ArangoDB Community Event

Lucas (@moonbeamlabs), ArangoDB core developer, rubyist, inventor of Foxx, open source contributor, podcaster etc. – he is currently staying in Mountain View. Yesterday he spoke at the SF JavaScript Meetup at Mozilla and did an introduction to ArangoDB Foxx. Tomorrow he will give a lightening talk about Guacamole at the San Francisco Ruby on Rails Group.

And yes, you can have Lucas at your user group/meetup as well. He is not only speaking on Foxx and ArangoDB, but also on Guacamole, an ORM for Rails, and also on “NoSQL and Domain Driven Design”. You can easily contact Lucas via twitter or send an e-mail to hackers at arangodb.com.

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CAP, Google Spanner, & Survival: Eventual Consistency | ArangoDB

In Next gen NoSQL: The demise of eventual consistency a recent post on Gigaom FoundationDB founder Dave Rosenthal proclaims the demise of eventual consistency. He argues that Google Spanner “demonstrates the falsity of a trade-off between strong consistency and high availability”. In this article I show that Google Spanner does not disprove CAP, but rather chooses one of many possible compromises between total consistency and total availability. For organizations with a less potent infrastructure than Google other compromises might be more suitable, and therefore eventual consistency is still a very good idea, even for future generations of nosql databases.


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ArangoDB at FOSDEM 2014: Insights & Presentations

FOSDEM is an absolutely open and free conference in Brussels, Belgium. The conference offers an impressive amount of developer rooms discussing a broad range of technical topics, including NoSQL and graphs.

After a funny and productive ArangoDB hackathon weekend Frank and I arrived at FOSDEM on Sunday noon. We were looking forward to the talks in the graph devroom, but unfortunately for us it was not possible to enter the room (it was overfull, indicating a great quality of talks).
At the next speakers change Frank and I managed to slip into the room and could enjoy two inspiring talks by Neo4J.
Afterwards it was my turn to present the graph visualization interface in ArangoDB in a still crowded room (slides).
After my presentation, we handed out all our ArangoDB t-shirts to our fans.

Michael handing out T-Shirts to the audience

Michael handing out T-Shirts to the audience

All together it was a great experience and a really huge amount of people visiting the same conference which impressed me a lot.
Thanks for the team at the Graph Processing devroom for giving me the opportunity to speak and for organizing such a great devroom.
We will meet again next year.

so long,

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ArangoDB at RubyConf 2013: Insights and Presentations

RubyConf is a yearly conference in the USA with people coming from all over the world to discuss about Ruby, Rails and related topics. Every year a different city hosts this conference – this year the conference took place in sunny Miami Beach. This year Dirk Breuer – the other main developer behind Guacamole – and I went there to learn from the speakers talking about a wide range of topics. Apart from the great talks there was a lot of opportunity to talk to Rubyists from entirely different areas like social networks or banking backend systems, the problems they face and the solutions they found for them. Of course there were a lot of people catching a sight of our ArangoDB shirts and coming towards us to ask about ArangoDB and the Ruby support. The question ranged from basic questions (“What is ArangoDB?”) to more involved questions about AQL for example. As always we were happy to answer all of them!

RubyConf 2013 Miami Beach

Main hall of RubyConf 2013

All videos from the conference are online now. The excellent keynote by Katie on the second day is not only interesting to Rubyists, but everyone enthusiastic about programming and especially teaching it. If you understand German and want to get more tips about which talks to watch, download episode 26 of Geekstammtisch where we discussed RubyConf.

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ArangoDB Goes to Barcelona | NoSQL Matters 2013 Event

The ArangoDB team traveled to Barcelona for the “NoSQL matters” – weekend. Day one was packed with a lot of NoSQL-trainings and Jan introduced the NoSQL landscape by explaining how to model your data in a non-relational world. Following the wish of many participants Jan had to repeat the morning session about the new and exciting possibilities of NoSQL in the afternoon.

After an inspiring key-note by Nathan Marz, three tracks full of NoSQL, BigData and Searching explained the latest trends.


Lucas talked about ArangoDB in general, Foxx and the advantages of multi-models. He explained “why relations — especially properties graphs — matter even in a NoSQL database” by Sarahs Mei’s example of social networks.

After his talk, we had a lot of interesting and inspiring discussions at the ArangoDB booth in the entry hall.


NoSQL matters was a great experience for us, which gave the ArangoDB team the opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people to exchange and to develop new ideas.

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