ArangoDB and DC/OS Webinar: Scaling Made Simple
Wednesday, October 26th
DC/OS provides ArangoDB with exactly the infrastructure it needs for implementing a modern distributed stateful service. Join this upcoming webinar to learn how DC/OS quickly and easily deploys ArangoDB to provide scaling and fault tolerance with automatic replacement of failed components. While DC/OS supplies the management of resources and hence allows multiple services to share a common infrastructure, ArangoDB provides a modern persistence layer with its multi-model, fault-tolerant datastore. Read more
Deploy ArangoDB 3 Cluster: 2-Click Setup
Hurray! Last week finally saw the release of ArangoDB 3.0 with lots of new features and in particular various improvements for ArangoDB clusters. In this blog post, I want to talk about one aspect of this, which is deployment.
As of last Wednesday, deploying an ArangoDB 3.0 cluster on DC/OS has become even simpler, because the new version of our framework scheduler has been accepted to the DC/OS Universe. Therefore, deployment is literally only two clicks: Read more
Running ArangoDB 3.0.0 on DC/OS Cluster
As you surely recognized we´ve released ArangoDB 3.0 a few days ago. It comes with great cluster improvements like synchronous replication, automatic failover, easy up- and downscaling via the graphical user interface and with lots of other improvements. Furthermore, ArangoDB 3 is even better integrated with Apache Mesos and DC/OS. Read more
Discover ArangoDB 3.0: New Cluster Features
The 3.0 release of ArangoDB will introduce a completely overhauled cluster and marks a major milestone on its road to “zero-maintenance” where you can keep focus on your product instead of your datacenter.
Synchronous replication
Earlier releases of ArangoDB already featured asynchronous replication. This was already a great method to do backups and allowed for failover in case of a disaster. However that was mostly a manual job and furthermore – due to its asynchronous nature – data loss could happen. Read more
ArangoDB 3.0 Alpha Release: Getting Closer to the Future
There is this German saying “If it takes long enough, it will be all right in the end.” However, since just “all right” isn’t our quality standard this first alpha of 3.0 took us a bit longer to finish up than planned. We´d like to invite you to give this fully tested alpha a serious spin, test the new functionalities and share your thoughts and feedback with us on Slack in our “feedback30” channel
Within this short release note you´ll find 1) a quick overview of the most important changes; 2) an instruction on how to get the new version and 3) how to get your (test) data from your 2.x version into the 3.0 alpha which has our new binary storage format VelocyPack implemented. Read more
DC/OS: Modernizing Distributed Database Management
The mission of ArangoDB is to simplify the complexity of data work. ArangoDB is a distributed native multi-model NoSQL database that supports JSON documents, graphs and key-value pairs in one database engine with one query language. The cluster management is based on Apache Mesos, a battle-hardened technology. With the launch of DC/OS by a community of more than 50 companies all ArangoDB users can easily scale. Read more
MERII Hummingbird A80 Optimus Cluster: ArangoDB Deployment
For running ArangoDB in clusters doing performance tests we wanted to have a non virtualized set of descent hardware with fast ethernet connection, enough RAM (since thats what Arango needs) and multicore CPU. Since you need a bunch of them, cheap ARM devel boards come to mind. The original Raspberry PI (we have those) is out of the game due to V8 is not supporting it anymore. The now available PI 2 doesn’t cut it, since its ethernet NIC is connected via USB (as on the original PI). The Odroid series only have one of both: Fast ethernet or enough RAM. The Cubieboard 4 wasn’t available yet, but its Allwinner A80 SOC seemed a good choice. Then we met the Merii Optimus board, which seems to be almost the same as the PCDuino (now renamed to Arches) with the A80. While we got a bunch of them for a descent price over at Pollin, the upstream support wasn’t that good.
However, with some help of the SunXi-Linux Project we started flashing OS images to replace the preloaded Android image with the Merii Linux image. Since the userland of the Merii image is pretty sparse, we wanted something more useable. There is already a how-to on running Ubuntu which requires running a Windows host. We prefer a Linux host and want to run a Debian. Since the new Pi2 is also able to run regular Debian with ArmV7, we pick the root fs
from sjoerd.
Create an ArangoDB cluster on Microsoft Azure
During the last weeks we’ve released our new deployment tool for cloud computing platforms with how-to’s for Google Compute Engine, Digital Ocean and Amazon Web Services support.
Today we show how to deploy an ArangoDB cluster on Azure with a single command.
To easy-deploy an ArangoDB cluster on Azure you just need to install the official azure-cli, download a single bash script and watch the tool take care of the rest for you. Your azure account needs permission for creating instances, adding ssh-keypairs and managing virtual networks.
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Create an ArangoDB cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
During the last weeks we’ve released our new deployment tool for cloud computing platforms with how-to’s for Google Compute Engine and Digital Ocean support.
Today we show how to deploy an ArangoDB cluster on Amazon Web Services with a single command.
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
To easy-deploy an ArangoDB cluster on AWS you just need to install the official awscli, download a single bash script and watch the tool take care of the rest for you. Your aws account needs permission for creating instances, adding ssh-keypairs and managing security groups.
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Create an ArangoDB cluster on Google Compute Engine with a single command
Last week we’ve released the first version of our new deployment tool for cloud computing platforms with Digital Ocean support. (Edit: now also available: Amazon Web Services) Today we show how to deploy an ArangoDB cluster on Google Compute Engine with a single command.
Google Compute Engine
To easy-deploy an ArangoDB cluster on Google Compute Engine you just need to install the official gcloud tool, download a single bash script and watch the tool take care of the rest for you.
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Google Compute Engine prerequisites
The script needs an available and configured Google Project.

- Create a project (GCE Projects).
- Remember your project-id, you’ll need that later for gcloud configuration.
- Enable Google Compute Engine API (more…)
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