ArangoDB 1.4: Introducing Multiple Databases Feature

This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB

ArangoDB 1.4 provides support for multiple databases, a feature often requested by our users.

Motivation In the old days, ArangoDB provided the option to create multiple collections, but all collections were created on the same level. As there was no hierarchy of collections, there was a chance of having a collection name clash when using one ArangoDB server for multiple applications. For example, running multiple applications inside the same ArangoDB server did not work if all applications created their own

users collections. Workarounds, such as prefixing collection names, were required to make older ArangoDB versions play nicely with multiple applications. With ArangoDB 1.4, multiple databases are supported natively. Workarounds such as prefixing collection names with application names, can go away now.

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Useful ArangoSH Tips and Tricks | ArangoDB 2012

arangosh, The ArangoDB shell, provides some options that may simplify an ArangoDB user’s life. Some of these options have been added in version 1.1.2, and some options have been around for a while but are probably still less known. It’s time to showcase them.

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