ArangoDB at Strata + Hadoop World London (5-7 May)
Max Neunhöffer from ArangoDB shows an use case for multi-model NoSQL databases on Strata + Hadoop World 2015 in London. Join his Session on 6th of May.
Multi-model databases and the art of aircraft maintenance
We describe a case study in aircraft fleet management, where we needed a database that would store data about all the different parts and subunits of an aircraft. A single aircraft already contains some 6,000,000 parts, not counting components.
The particular structure of the queries arising naturally from day-to-day processes quickly led to the insight that no single data model was sufficient to ensure satisfactory performance. Whichever data model we tried, there was always at least one important query that would either take ages to complete or be unbearably complicated, or indeed both.
Collision Conf 2015: ArangoDB Insights & Collaborations

We are looking forward to joining the tech crowd at the Collision Conf that will take place in just a few weeks. Join us at this amazing event downtown Las Vegas on 5–6 May 2015.
As a sister event of Web Summit – Europe’s largest tech conference attracting over 20,000 attendees from around the world – Collision is a new type of tech conference for America: “A meeting place for people who are both building the companies of tomorrow and managing the companies of today.” – (Collision Conf)
We are proud to get a chance to share our vision on multi-model databases and present ArangoDB to the world during a Startup-Pitch. We will also demonstrate our latest developments on DCOS integration at our booth. The team is currently working on an exciting Demo to show the crowd how excellent multi-model database can be. (more…)
FullStack London
I recently had the chance to visit FullStack London, a well organized conference. Thanks a lot to Skills Matter. FullStack was opened by Douglas Crockford about “The Better Parts” of ES6. I cannot wait to start using them. Douglas was followed by Isaac Schlueter talking about open source in companies. Although this talk was not technical I learned a lot and it was very inspiring.
The remainder of the conference was all about using JavaScript mostly on server-side using Node.js or in robotics. As robotics is not my kind of topic I visited the talks about server-side JS. They confirmed my impression where JS development is heading to: Microservices. (more…)
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