ArangoDB 1.2 API Changes: What You Need to Know | 2013

Apart from introducing several new features, the upcoming 1.2 version of ArangoDB will change a few of the existing REST API return values.
The API changes were necessary to make the ArangoDB’s APIs easier to use, more robust and portable.

We hope that the following list provides 3rd party client & driver maintainers with enough information to update drivers to work with ArangoDB 1.2.

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MRuby JIT and ArangoDB at RuPy 2012 | ArangoDB

@moonbeamlabs and I hold a workshop about ArangoDB and the Ruby driver Ashikawa, which will hopefully become one of the first DataMapper 2 NoSQL drivers. Currently, we are using the aequitas and virtus components of DataMapper 2.

Slides of the workshop can be found on slideshare:

I also gave a short talk about the possibilities of using MRuby in ArangoDB. In preparation for this talk, Achim did some experiments using JIT compilation of the RiteVM bytecode using LLVM. The results are consistent with result for other byte-compiled languages. You can expect a speed-up of 2 using LLVM. In order to gain larger improvements one needs type inference and optimizations to the method selection. Luckily within a context like ArangoDB one can expects to be dealing a lot with primitives types (floats and strings) and a fixed environment. So it seems plausible that one can eventually get near the performace of V8.

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ArangoDB for Node.js Integration | ArangoDB 2012

Note: Our new official nodejs driver is arangojs. You also can look at this blogpost about the new driver.

We got a note from Anders Elo from Sweden. He told us that he has released a ArangoDB client for node.js. Awesome! :-) You can find it on Github under the URL To install locally

npm install git://

Anders also writes:

  • It's still lacking features and is prone to changes but it works quite nice, atleast I think so. :) I've not documented this project as of yet due to lack of time so I'll briefly instruct you by some examples.*
var arango = require('arango.client'), util = require('util');

/* Prepare a connection, defaults {protocol:'http', hostname:'', port: 8529} */ 
db = new arango.Connection({name:"testcollection"});

/* we need to first create our test collection */
  console.log("err(%s): ",err, ret);

/* create a new document in collection */
  if(err) console.log("error(%s): ", err,ret);
  else console.log(util.inspect(ret));

/* create a document and a new collection on demand */
  if(err) console.log("error(%s): ", err,ret);
  else console.log(util.inspect(ret));

/* alternate style utilizing events */
  console.log("error(%s):", error.code, error.message);

The interface to the ArangoDB REST api resides in the lib/api directory. You can find out more details there. Anders also includes some tests, just runt "npm test" to execute them.

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