ArangoDB 1.2: Simplifications Overview | ArangoDB 2013
The upcoming 1.2 version of ArangoDB will provide several improvements and fixes. Apart from the additional features the new version provides, the following changes might also be very interesting for users and driver maintainers:
ArangoDB 1.2: Explore New Features | ArangoDB 2013
We have just released beta2 of ArangoDB 1.2. It is available for download here. For everyone interested in trying the new version, here’s a quick overview of its major new features & changes:
ArangoDB 1.2 API Changes: What You Need to Know | 2013
Apart from introducing several new features, the upcoming 1.2 version of ArangoDB will change a few of the existing REST API return values. The API changes were necessary to make the ArangoDB’s APIs easier to use, more robust and portable. We hope that the following list provides 3rd party client & driver maintainers with enough…
AQL: Query Documents and Graphs Easily | ArangoDB 2013
Note: The following article was originally written as an answer in ArangoDB google group. It may help other people to understand the scope of ArangoDB and/or AQL, so we posted it here as well. AQL, the query language, provides access to the data which is stored inside collections. The collections contain documents, identified by unique…
Useful ArangoSH Tips and Tricks | ArangoDB 2012
arangosh, The ArangoDB shell, provides some options that may simplify an ArangoDB user’s life. Some of these options have been added in version 1.1.2, and some options have been around for a while but are probably still less known. It’s time to showcase them.
Looking for Beta Tester for the Windows Port
We have a beta version of the Windows port ready for testing. If you are feeling adventurous you can try the brand new beta port of ArangoDB 1.1.1 for windows. Please note, that currently this port only contains the server. The following pieces are still missing: no management front-end to start/stop the server or install…
ArangoDB Version 1.1 Released: What’s New? | ArangoDB 2012
ArangoDB version 1.1 was released today. Builds for major distributions can be found on the downloads page. The new version offers several improvements, namely: an API for batch requests partial updates (i.e. HTTP PATCH) for documents improvements for AQL disk synchronisation improvements a statistics interface SSL support The complete list can be found here. If…
ArangoDB PHP Driver Version 1.0 Released | ArangoDB 2012
Yesterday version 1.0 of the PHP driver for ArangoDB was released. It contains basic support for edges as well as fixes and tests. Check out the Changelog for further details. Many thanks go to Frank Mayer for his contribution! 🙂 There is also a comprehensive PHP driver tutorial available on Github.
ArangoDB: Using JavaScript in the Database | ArangoDB 2012
Jan was invited as a speaker to “Js.Everywhere” in Paris. He talked about using Javascript in a database, well, ArangoDB, to be precise, giving lots of examples on “actions” and related concepts in ArangoDB. ArangoDB – Using JavaScript in the database from arangodb
MRuby JIT and ArangoDB at RuPy 2012 | ArangoDB
@moonbeamlabs and I hold a workshop about ArangoDB and the Ruby driver Ashikawa, which will hopefully become one of the first DataMapper 2 NoSQL drivers. Currently, we are using the aequitas and virtus components of DataMapper 2. Slides of the workshop can be found on slideshare: Introduction to ArangoDB Introduction to Ashikawa I also gave…