ArangoDB 2.0.7 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes

This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB We have released a maintenance version: v2.0.7 (2014-05-05)


ArangoDB 1.4.15 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes

This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB We have released a maintenance release of ArangoDB 1.4. bugfix for AQL query optimiser the following type of query was too eagerly optimised, leading to errors in code-generation: LET a = (FOR i IN [] RETURN i) LET b = (FOR i IN [] RETURN…


Heartbleed Bug: Impact on Windows Users | ArangoDB Insights

I assume you all heard about the Heartbleed Bug in OpenSSL. ArangoDB uses the system OpenSSL under linux and Mac OS. If you update your version to 1.0.1g or better, everything is fine. However, the Windows contains static version of OpenSSL. So in case you want to use ArangoDB with HTTPS, you should update your…


ArangoDB 2.0.2 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes

This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB We have released a bug-fix release for ArangoDB 2.0. v2.0.2 (2014-04-06)


ArangoDB 1.4.14 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes

This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB A maintenance release of ArangoDB 1.4 is now available for download. v1.4.14 (2014-04-05)


ArangoDB 2.0.1 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes

This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB We have just release 2.0.1, which is bug-fix release for 2.0. v2.0.1 (2014-03-31) ——————- * make ArangoDB not send back a `WWW-Authenticate` header to a client in case the client sends the `X-Omit-WWW-Authenticate` HTTP header. This is done to prevent browsers from showing their built-in…


AshikawaCore 0.10 Released: Enhancements & Updates | ArangoDB

We just released version 0.10 of the low-level ArangoDB Ruby driver Ashikawa::Core. It supports both ArangoDB 1.4 and 2.0. For more details see the release notes. We’re also working on the first version of Guacamole: It is an ODM for Rails and is based upon Ashikawa::Core.


ArangoDB Sharding Release 2.0.0-rc1: Enhanced Scalability

This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB Sharding has come to ArangoDB. We are proud to announce the release candidate of ArangoDB 2.0.0. The ArangoDB 2 is API downward compatible to ArangoDB 1.4. ArangoDB 2 can be used as standalone or distributed system. You can use the same packages / binaries for…


ArangoDB 1.4.11 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes

We have released a bug-fix release for ArangoDB 1.4. As it is carnival, we skipped 1.4.10 and moved directly to 1.4.11. Please note that we are also preparing the ArangoDB 2.0 release. Therefore it is important to use the zypper install arangodb=1.4.11 (or whatever package manager you use) with an explicit version. v1.4.11 (2014-02-27) ——————–…


ArangoDB 1.4.9 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes

This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB A bug-fix release is available v1.4.9 (2014-02-07) ——————- * return a document’s current etag in response header for HTTP HEAD requests on documents that return an HTTP 412 (precondition failed) error. This allows retrieving the document’s current revision easily. * added AQL function `SKIPLIST` to…


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