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Create an ArangoDB cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

During the last weeks we’ve released our new deployment tool for cloud computing platforms with how-to’s for Google Compute Engine and Digital Ocean support.

Today we show how to deploy an ArangoDB cluster on Amazon Web Services with a single command.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

To easy-deploy an ArangoDB cluster on AWS you just need to install the official awscli, download a single bash script and watch the tool take care of the rest for you. Your aws account needs permission for creating instances, adding ssh-keypairs and managing security groups.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ArangoDB/deployment/publish/AmazonWebServices_ArangoDB_Cluster.sh
chmod 755 AmazonWebServices_ArangoDB_Cluster.sh

AWS CLI Settings:

The script needs the awscli installed and configured. You can skip this part if your awscli tool is already installed and fully configured. Otherwise please follow these steps:

Install awscli (python and pip required):

sudo pip install awscli

Then configure awscli:

aws configure

You will be asked for:

  • AWS Access Key ID
  • AWS Secret Access Key
  • Default region name
  • Default output format (optional)

ArangoDB Script:

Create an ArangoDB cluster on Amazon Web Services:


When the script is finished, you’ll get a screen with all the info you need to be able to work with the cluster.

Also this will create a directory called ./aws that contains information about the cluster. You can easily get rid of the cluster as well as of the virtual machines by doing

./AmazonWebServices_ArangoDB_Cluster.sh -r

Feel free to try it out! See below for information on how to configure things.

Some background information for the curious

This script will use awscli authentication for Amazon Web Services to deploy a number of VM instances running CoreOS. If you do not already have one, it will first create a SSH keypair for you and deploy it to AWS and your ssh-agent. Once the machines are running, the script uses Docker images to start up all components of an ArangoDB cluster and link them to each other. In the end, it will print out access information.

No installation of ArangoDB is needed neither on the VM instances nor on your machine. All deployment issues are taken care of by Docker. You can simply sit back and enjoy.

The whole process will take a few minutes and will print out some status reports.

Some switches to configure a few things

Use the -h switch to get this help page.

Optional prerequisites The following environment variables are used:

  • SIZE : size/machine-type of the instance (e.g. -m t1.medium)
  • NUMBER : count of machines to create (e.g. -n 3)
  • OUTPUT : local output log folder (e.g. -d /my/directory)

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Heiko Kernbach

Heiko is a JavaScript and C++ Developer working on ArangoDB’s frontend and backend. He holds a Bachelor degree in Computer Science and is passionate about new technologies and programming. Whilst completing his Bachelor degree, Heiko dived deeper into ArangoDB and focused on developing geo location-based services.


  1. ReallyDude? on May 14 2015, at 8:31 am

    This is a god send. ArangoDB will from now on be my official database for my future projects!

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