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ArangoDB Release Candidate: Testing New Features & Stability

How often did you typed

var db = require("internal").db;

in the arangod console?

If you are familiar with the arangosh JavasScript shell than you probably use a custom .arangosh.rc startup script in your home-directory which defines your own extra variables and functions that you need often.

Now we’ve also added support for a file .arangod.rc that will be executed on server start. For example, you could put the following into the .arangod.rc file:

internal = require("internal");
fs = require("fs");
db = internal.db;
time = internal.time;
timed = function (cb) {
  var s  = time(); 
  return time() - s;
print = internal.print;

You’ll never have to go through the history again to add your favourite function again. (Available in devel-branch, coming to the next releases soon).


Ingo Friepoertner

Ingo is dealing with all the good ideas from the ArangoDB community, customers and industry experts to improve the value provided by the company’s native multi-model approach. In former positions he worked as a product owner and tech consultant, building custom software solutions for large companies in various industries. Ingo holds a diploma in business informatics from FHDW University of Applied Sciences.

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