Win your free ticket and join ArangoDB @ JontheBeach 2018
We are thrilled to be attending one of Europe’s greatest events – JontheBeach (JOTB), an international rendezvous for developers and DevOps around Big Data technologies. No product talks just deep-tech topics presented by hand-picked speakers from Google, Apache Spark, RedHat, Stripe, Microsoft and many more.
One of our core developers, Max Neunhoeffer, has been to the conf last year and enjoyed the special atmosphere a lot. This year, we decided to jump on this rare opportunity to learn & connect and are a Gold Sponsor of the event.
We would love you to join us and have 5 Conference TICKETS to raffle for FREE. To enter the raffle and win your free pass, all you have to do is tell your story with ArangoDB: be it a cool problem you have solved, a use case from your company, an interesting project, or a tool you have built – put it in writing! You can publish it on your blog, medium (or another platform), or send it directly to us and we will publish it on our blog.
If you like some guiding thoughts about structuring a case study, you can find a template here.
We will choose the best stories until the end of April. Yes, not everyone can get a free ticket but all participants will win an ArangoDB t-shirt plus a limited ArangoDB Contributor Sticker. Tweet the link to your story using #ArangoDB or send it via email to jana@arangodb.com.
We are extremely excited to read your stories and looking forward to enjoying this awesome conference together with you!
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