Welcome to the ArangoDB family, Ted Dunning!
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that one of the brightest and most respected minds in open-source software joins ArangoDBs Advisory Council. Hi, Ted and welcome to the ArangoDB family!
For those who don’t know Ted Dunning yet, maybe a quick introduction and the reason why the whole team is so amazed that he supports the project. Ted Dunning is Chief Application Architect at MapR, holds a PhD in computer science and is committer as well as PMC member of the Apache Mahout, Zookeeper and Drill projects. Besides his 25 patents, and even more pending, he mentors multiple well-known Apache projects like Storm, Flink, or DataFu with his broad experiences across industries and technologies. Ted contributes so much to the open-source world and we feel blessed to have him on board at ArangoDB.
When asking Ted about why he joined the Council, he’ll probably say “ I saw a broad range of data systems and if there is a single lesson I learned, it is that a dogmatic adoption of a single data model is a mistake. The native multi-model approach of ArangoDB adds crucial data structuring capabilities and helps companies to avoid the single model trap while providing linear scalability and a flexible schema.”
Frank and I know Ted for several years now and one of his most remarkable abilities is to guide us to the right thoughts at the right time. Working with a senior thought leader like Ted will help us to further extend our community and better predict the constantly evolving demands of modern application development and make the right product decision today.
Ted will succeed Luca Olivari, who is now President of ArangoDB, in our Advisory Council.
With all the help of our customers, community and other great minds, we will get the multi-model movement to the next level and hope to announce more of this great news soon.
Big thanks to all of you for the great support and all your contributions so far!
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