ArangoDB Bi-Weekly 48: Alpha Release Teases ArangoDB 3.0
The whole team at ArangoDB has been hacking “day-and-night” and the alpha version of the upcoming ArangoDB 3.0 release is available for testing! All our tests (290.000 lines of code) are green so it’s worth giving it a spin. We would really appreciate your feedback e.g. via our #feedback30 channel on Slack.
In the other news, our CTO Dr. Frank Celler attended the great Percona Live conference in Santa Clara and presented the latest developments of ArangoDB alongside many other database experts and big names.
ArangoDB Releases
The alpha version of the upcoming ArangoDB 3.0 release is available for testing. You can download a technical preview here. Please note, that this is an alpha version; it is not for production, but for testing only. To upgrade ArangoDB for testing, please refer to the Upgrading Changes log.
If you are running tests with the alpha version, we would love to hear from you in our Slack Community channel -> #feedback30
Also, have a look at a quick preview of what new features and improvements are coming with ArangoDB 3.0.
Articles and Presentations
- Getting Closer: ArangoDB 3.0 alpha release – brief overview of ArangoDB’s new capabilities, features and changes. Plus a step-by-step instruction how to get it up and runnig
- Deep dive into the native multi model database ArangoDB – presentation by our CTO Frank Celler at the Percona Live conf in Santa Clara, CA
New and Updated Drivers
- (Blueprints) blueprints-arangodb-graph 1.0.14: An implementation of the Blueprints API for ArangoDB (Achim Brandt)
- (Go) Arangolite v1.3.0: Lightweight golang driver for ArangoDB (Fabien Herfray)
- (Java) arangodb-java-driver 2.7.4: bugfix release (Achim Brandt)
- (JavaScript) arangojs 4.3.0: Latest npm (https://www.npmjs.com/package/arangojs) of ArangoJS Javascript driver (Alan Plum)
- (Python) pyArango: Python Object Wrapper for ArangoDB with built-in validation (Tariq Daouda)
Projects and Integrations
- (Arch Linux) arangodb_arch – Package for building ArangoDB on Arch Linux (Mike Williamson)
- (Gentoo) Updated Gentoo Portage overlay for ArangoDB by Graham Bevan
- (Reekoh IoT) arangodb-storage – ArangoDB Storage Plugin for the Reekoh IoT Platform (Reekoh)
- (Mesos) arangodb-mesos-framework build13 – ArangoDB framework for DCOS (ArangoDB)
- (Docker) arangodb-docker – Docker container for ArangoDB (ArangoDB)
- (Silex) ArangoDbSilexServiceProvider – Provides ArangoDB API as services to Silex applications (Helder Santana)
- (POC) ArangoDB-view – fast, simple, easy, ‘reduced to the max’ alternative webinterface (Manuel B.)
Questions on Stack Overflow
- How to use wait-for-sync properly
- Get IDs of nodes via the edge collection only
- ArangoDB – graph creation basics
- ArangoDB – how to send request with curl
- Query nested arrays in ArangoDB
- ECONNREFUSED error while creating database ArangoDB with Nodejs
- How to return all of the possible vertices for v,e,p graph traversal AQL
- ArangoDB: limit at 10 documents in graph
- ArangoDB: name must be non-empty
- Join traversal object results in ArangoDB
- How to get list of documents in ArangoDB
- Storing data in variable Arangojs
- Skip invalid documents and upload valid ones from single file using INSERT aql with arangodb
- Getting list of connected nodes for a given node in ArangoDB
- ArangoDB Foxx and Clojure script
- Maven is not detecting ArangoDB 2.8.6 java driver
- How to update ArangoDB if I change the OS
- Error when using collection names as variables in ArangoDb with arangojs and aqlQuery
- How to do a fulltext search if the string has ‘-‘ in it for e.g “3da549f0-0e88-4297-b6af-5179b74bd929”?
- ArangoDB-aysnchronize-log invokes msync too much
- Getting “ArangoError: bind parameter ‘value1’ was not declared in the query (while parsing)”
Not answered yet:
- AQL request results without metadata of request
- How to count the number of elements with AQL?
- GRAPH_TRAVERSAL_TREE ignores filterVertices, GRAPH_TRAVERSAL doesn’t
- June 01 – 02, 2016 – Denver, CO: MesosCon NA One of our core developers Max Neunhöffer (@neunhoef ) will talk about Persistence Primitives in Action 2.0 together with Jörg Schad & Neil Conway from Mesosphere.
Did you know?
We are great fans of avocados at ArangoDB 🙂 Here is an awesome recipe we recently tried out. It is tasty and fresh – perfect for a warm spring morning.
And also, big thanks and loads of love to our fast-growing open-source community for supporting us on GitHub!
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