Index Speedups in ArangoDB 2.8: Enhancements
The upcoming 2.8 version of ArangoDB will provide several improvements in the area of index usage and query optimization.
First of all, hash and skiplist indexes can now index individual array values. A dedicated post on this will follow shortly. Second, the query optimizer can make use multiple indexes per collection for queries with OR-combined filter conditions. This again is a subject for another post. Third, there have been some speed improvements due to changes in the general index handling code. This is what this post is about.
In order to assess the speedups in 2.8, I have run some already existing performance tests that I initially ran when comparing ArangoDB 2.5 with 2.6. The test cases and methodology are detailed in this earlier blog post.
For measuring the index-related performance improvements, I simply re-ran the index related tests in 2.7 and in 2.8 / devel. I did not bother re-running all tests from the original blog article because only some are index-related. In particular, I only ran these tests again:
- join-key: for each document in the collection, perform a join on the _key attribute on the collection itself (i.e.
FOR c1 IN @@c FOR c2 IN @@c FILTER c1._key == c2._key RETURN c1
) - join-id: ditto, but perform the join using the
attribute - join-hash-number and join-hash-string: ditto, but join using a hash index on a numeric or string attribute
- join-skiplist-number and join-skiplist-string: ditto, but join using a skiplist index on a numeric or string attribute lookup-key, lookup-hash-number, lookup-hash-string, lookup-skiplist-number, lookup-skiplist-string: compile an IN-list of 10,000 lookup values and search these 10,000 documents in the collection using either the primary index (
attribute), a hash index or a skiplist index. The latter two are tested on numeric and string attributes.
The test queries were run 5 times each on collections containing 10,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000 documents.
Here are the query execution times from 2.7 and 2.8 for the individual tests, in seconds (less is better):
test name collection avg 2.7 (s) avg 2.8 (s)
join-key 10k 0.0997 0.0612
join-key 100k 1.0611 0.6538
join-key 1000k 10.2975 6.2507
join-id 10k 0.1088 0.0606
join-id 100k 1.1126 0.6694
join-id 1000k 10.8180 6.5336
join-hash-number 10k 0.1044 0.0679
join-hash-number 100k 1.1137 0.7430
join-hash-number 1000k 10.7923 7.1534
join-hash-string 10k 0.1193 0.0712
join-hash-string 100k 1.2656 0.7915
join-hash-string 1000k 12.3075 7.6667
join-skiplist-number 10k 0.1387 0.1030
join-skiplist-number 100k 1.6693 1.3062
join-skiplist-number 1000k 18.0406 15.5203
join-skiplist-string 10k 0.1928 0.1469
join-skiplist-string 100k 2.3166 1.8997
join-skiplist-string 1000k 27.1513 23.2058
lookup-key 10k 1.4996 1.5245
lookup-key 100k 1.4951 1.5189
lookup-key 1000k 1.5545 1.5662
lookup-hash-number 10k 1.5572 1.5526
lookup-hash-number 100k 1.5595 1.5435
lookup-hash-number 1000k 1.5436 1.5648
lookup-hash-string 10k 1.6023 1.5623
lookup-hash-string 100k 1.5892 1.5741
lookup-hash-string 1000k 1.5841 1.5770
lookup-skiplist-number 10k 1.5978 1.6145
lookup-skiplist-number 100k 1.5782 1.6269
lookup-skiplist-number 1000k 1.5891 1.6258
lookup-skiplist-string 10k 1.6443 1.6840
lookup-skiplist-string 100k 1.6787 1.6985
lookup-skiplist-string 1000k 1.7319 1.7562
in-key 10k 0.1076 0.0754
in-key 100k 0.1083 0.0775
in-key 1000k 0.1104 0.0773
in-hash-number 10k 0.0898 0.0696
in-hash-number 100k 0.0889 0.0674
in-hash-number 1000k 0.0877 0.0675
in-hash-string 10k 0.1174 0.0867
in-hash-string 100k 0.1188 0.0878
in-hash-string 1000k 0.1174 0.0853
in-skiplist-number 10k 0.1095 0.0849
in-skiplist-number 100k 0.1110 0.0873
in-skiplist-number 1000k 0.1106 0.0910
in-skiplist-string 10k 0.1744 0.1315
in-skiplist-string 100k 0.1990 0.1594
in-skiplist-string 1000k 0.2369 0.1968
It looks like joins and IN list lookups got significantly faster in 2.8, whereas the performance for point lookups is more or less the same as in 2.7.
Note that the changes to the index code in 2.8 only affect how indexes are accessed from within AQL queries and how filtering works. No changes have been made for other index operations such as insert, updates, and removals.
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multiple attributes indexing ???? HOWWWW??????