ArangoDB 2.5 Beta: Test New Features & Enhancements
This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB
The current sprint comes to an end and ArangoDB 2.5 is available as beta. We appreciate your feedback and hope that many developers try this new beta release.
We have used the last weeks to improve the Foxx framework for data-centric microservices – enhancing debug capabilities, improving development-mode and the install process – to make the development of Foxx applications easier than ever.
We upgraded two main ArangoDB components, V8 and etcd to the latest versions (V8 and etcd 2.0) to support even more ES6 features and to benefit from a robust rewrite of etcd for cluster configuration.
We’ve also improved core database capabilities by adding sparse hash and skiplist indexes, dynamic attribute names and more optimizer rules. Read the full list of changes in the CHANGELOG.
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There is no beta for Windows yet, can we expect it for tomorrow?
The Windows beta of ArangoDB 2.5 will be available later this week, at best tomorrow. Still have some minor issues to solve.
If the solution to these issues requires changes to the build process or environment, please don’t forget to update the cookbook recipe for Window compilation 🙂