ArangoDB 2.2.7 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes
This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB
A maintenance release for ArangoDB 2.2 is available from the usual channels.
v2.2.7 (2014-11-19)
- fixed issue #1079: AQL editor: keyword WITH in UPDATE query is not highlighted
- fix memory leak in cluster nodes
- fixed registration of AQL user-defined functions in Web UI (JS shell)
- fixed error display in Web UI for certain errors (now error message is printed instead of ‘undefined’)
- fixed issue #1059: bug in js module console
- fixed issue #1056: “fs”: zip functions fail with passwords
- fixed issue #1063: Docs: measuring unit of –wal.logfile-size?
- fixed issue #1062: Docs: typo in 14.2 Example data
The 2.2.7 Documentation: Click here
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