ArangoDB 2.2.2 Release: Enhancements & Bug Fixes
This version is deprecated. Download the new version of ArangoDB
A maintenance release of ArangoDB 2.2 is available via the package manager or from our download page.
v2.2.2 (2014-08-08)
- allow storing non-reserved attribute names starting with an underscore Previous versions of ArangoDB parsed away all attribute names that started with an underscore (e.g. `_test`, `_foo`, `_bar`) on all levels of a document (root level and sub-attribute levels). While this behavior was documented, it was unintuitive and prevented storing documents inside other documents, e.g.:
{ "_key" : "foo", "_type" : "mydoc", "references" : [ { "_key" : "something", "_rev" : "...", "value" : 1 }, { "_key" : "something else", "_rev" : "...", "value" : 2 } ] }
In the above example, previous versions of ArangoDB removed all attributes and sub-attributes that started with underscores, meaning the embedded documents would lose some of their attributes. 2.2.2 should preserve such attributes, and will also allow storing user-defined attribute names on the top-level even if they start with underscores (such as `_type` in the above example).
- fix conversion of JavaScript String, Number and Boolean objects to JSON. Objects created in JavaScript using `new Number(…)`, `new String(…)`, or `new Boolean(…)` were not converted to JSON correctly.
- fixed a race condition on task registration (i.e. `require(“org/arangodb/tasks”).register()`) this race condition led to undefined behavior when a just-created task with no offset and no period was instantly executed and deleted by the task scheduler, before the `register` function returned to the caller.
- changed run-tests.sh to execute all suitable tests.
- switch to new version of gyp
- fixed upgrade button
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