ArangoDB Goes to Barcelona | NoSQL Matters 2013 Event
The ArangoDB team traveled to Barcelona for the “NoSQL matters” – weekend. Day one was packed with a lot of NoSQL-trainings and Jan introduced the NoSQL landscape by explaining how to model your data in a non-relational world. Following the wish of many participants Jan had to repeat the morning session about the new and exciting possibilities of NoSQL in the afternoon.
After an inspiring key-note by Nathan Marz, three tracks full of NoSQL, BigData and Searching explained the latest trends.
Lucas talked about ArangoDB in general, Foxx and the advantages of multi-models. He explained “why relations — especially properties graphs — matter even in a NoSQL database” by Sarahs Mei’s example of social networks.
After his talk, we had a lot of interesting and inspiring discussions at the ArangoDB booth in the entry hall.
NoSQL matters was a great experience for us, which gave the ArangoDB team the opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people to exchange and to develop new ideas.
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