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ArangoDB 1.2.0 Released: What’s New? | ArangoDB 2013

We are proud to announce the release of ArangoDB 1.2.0. You can find an overview of the new features in these blog posts:

github, the binary packages from our download page. The new version has also been submitted to homebrew and Apple's AppStore.

Last Minute Remarks

We have decided to switch the statistics functions off, by default.
You can switch them on by changing the config file. The current statistics functions are now obsolescent. We want to switch to a more flexible and less time consuming implementation in 1.3.

Frank Celler

Frank Celler

Frank is both entrepreneur and backend developer, developing mostly memory databases for two decades. He is the CTO and co-founder of ArangoDB. Try to challenge Frank asking him questions on C, C++ and MRuby. Besides Frank organizes Cologne’s NoSQL group & is an active member of NoSQL community.

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