Useful Links for MRuby Development | ArangoDB 2012
I’ve started the following collection of links, example code, projects, and articles about mruby. This list is most likely not complete, if you have other interesting articles please let me know. Especially sample code and mruby projects.
- Daniel Bovensiepen, Five ways to execute mruby
- Matt Aimonette, Mruby and MobiRuby
- Matt Aimonetti, Getting Started With Mruby
- @jondot, First Look at Mruby
Examples & Projects
- Embed Ruby in Your iOS Apps Using mruby, source code mruby iOS example
- mattn, MRuby inside MySQL
- takeru, MRuby Examples
- CRuby vs MRuby FAQ
- Mrbgems FAQ
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You might be interested in this article: http://geekmonkey.org/articles/36-an-introduction-to-mini-ruby