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ArangoDB Tech Talks and Slides

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BTS OpenShift - Michael Hausenblas & Max Neunhöffer

Max Neunhöffer        24.10.2018
Behind the Scenes at OpenShift Commons with Michael Hausenblas. Interview with Max Neunhöffe.

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Fishing Graphs in a Hadoop Data Lake
Max Neunhöffer     06.04.2017


Modern data modeling: Multi-model approach using ArangoDB
Michael Hackstein    30.03.2017


The Computer Science behind a modern distributed data store - JOTB
Max Neunhöffer    15.05.2017


Building powerful apps with ArangoDB & KeyLinesL
Luca Olivari    06.09.2017

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Slides of ArangoDB Talks

an ecommerce app in action built on top of a multimodel database 1 638

An e-commerce app in action built on top of a multi-model database

fishing graphs in a hadoop data lake 1 638

Fishing Graphs in a Hadoop Data Lake

handling billions of edges in a graph database gotolondon 1 638

Handling Billions Of Edges in a Graph Database