Map data natively to the database and access it with the best patterns for the job – traversals, joins, search, ranking, geospatial, aggregations – you name it.
Simpler Backend
Polyglot persistence without the costs. Easily design, scale and adapt your architectures to changing needs and with much less effort.
Data Scientists
Advanced Feature Engineering
Combine the flexibility of JSON with semantic search and graph technology for next generation feature extraction even for large datasets.
The simplest way to run ArangoDB
A scalable, fully managed graph database, document store and search engine in one place. ArangoDB Oasis is the cloud service for ArangoDB.
AQL is a declarative query language letting you access the very same data with a broad range of access patterns like traversals, JOINs, search, geospatial or any combination. Everyone experienced with SQL will have an easy start with AQL and might think AQL feels more like coding.
A combination of JSON stores, semantic search and graph technology is often used to provide native storage and access to data – Having everything in one place accessible with one query language provides crucial advantages. With ArangoML and ArangoML Pipeline feature extraction and Pipeline observability got much simpler.