Meet Kode Solutions: Semantic Tweet Analytics with ArangoDB & Rlang

Kode Solutions is an innovative machine learning agency based in Pisa and Cagliari, Italy. The team provides artificial intelligence solutions and semantic analytics in the field of Industry 4.0 and Healthcare, collaborating with companies and public as well as private research centers all over the world. Kode Solutions are computer scientists, chemists, mathematicians, statisticians, psychologists, graphic designers – in other words data scientist – who bring together a set of skills, backgrounds and experiences that are at the base of our holistic and diversified approach.
Their applications in the industrial field aim to build predictive and prescriptive models to maximize the yield of processes, to reduce waste and environmental impact, to improve products and create new ones, ensuring quality, and to carry out predictive maintenance.
In Healthcare, our attention is mainly focused on the study of signals from wearable sensors, to monitor the health status of the individual, but also to the analysis of medical images, for example to identify tumor areas, and to search for metabolic or genetic biomarkers, to improve the diagnosis of diseases.
by Gabriele Galatolo (Data Scientist & Software Developer) & Marco Calderisi (Data Scientist & CTO)
Semantic Tweet Analytics with Tweetmood
We developed a tool for the tweet analytics called Tweetmood. The Tweetmood Engine is based on an R package we developed internally, aRangodb, which allows to easily interface R with an existing ArangoDB server instance.
In this case study we will present how we integrated ArangoDB within Tweetmood for tweet analytics.
Tweetmood is composed by several interconnected microservices which can be schematically represented as shown below:

The Twitter Social Adapter interacts with the Twitter API to retrieve data about certain discussions (based on hashtags, mentions or plain searches) and returns tweets and information related to the tweets’ users.
In particular the application was used to monitor political discussions retrieving tweets by hashtags or plain searches related to Italian political parties.
The incoming data from the Twitter API are in JSON format. The Twitter Social Adapter filter out the data fields that are of no use for the subsequent analysis step and generates a new bunch of JSON representing the distillation of the original tweets. At the same time, the users contained into the tweets are extrapolated to generate new ‘users’ JSON documents.
Example of User document:

Example of Tweet document:

The aRangodb Factor
By their nature, data representing tweets and corresponding users are easily representable using a graph.
The following example represents the code used by the Tweetmood Engine to save tweets and users. The engine uses the Kode aRangodb package to interact with the remote ArangoDB server.
Furthermore, from the typical tweets contents (hashtags and mentioned users) we can widen the knowledge base with another collection of documents, the Hashtags, and with two new relationships:
, that represent edges with starting collectionusers
and end collectiontweets
, that represent edges with starting collection the new onehashtags
and end collectiontweets
To add this information to the existing graph the Tweetmood Engine can use again the aRangodb package:
The final graph is then composed by the elements represented in the following figure:
- three collections of documents { users, tweets, hashtags }
- three relationships {wrote(users, tweets), mentioned_in(users, tweets), contained(hashtags, tweets) }.

Hashtags co-occurrence analysis
One of the analysis executed by the Tweetmood Engine is the hashtags co-occurrence analysis. This is basically an application of the well-known association rule analysis, and with the use of the aRangodb package this can be done with few lines of code.
The resulting list of association rules of the tweets contained in the ArangoDB instance (we were monitoring discussions about Italian politics) are shown in the next table. The interpretation of the table can be done in this way:
- {LHS} => {RHS} where the rule should be read as “in a tweet containing the hashtag/s {LHS}, the tweet contains also the hashtag/s {RHS}”
- The support column represents the frequency, over all the analyzed tweets, of occurrence of both rules:
- The confidence represents intuitively the conditional probability P({LHS} | {RHS})
- The lift represents a measure of performance of the rule (higher values are better)

Those results can be represented themselves as a graph where it is possible to see the representation of the rules of the table.
Using this tweet analytics we retrieve new information, itemsets
of hashtags (as collection) and association rules between itemsets
(as relation) that we can save into the ArangoDB instance.

The study herein described let us discover new information regarding the dataset we have explored. ArangoDB showed good potentialities for this use case of tweet analytics and the R package we developed lets users with higher data analysis skills but less computer science ability to easily work on ArangoDB instances.