
What performance can you expect from ArangoDB?

NoSQL Performance Benchmark

How does ArangoDB stack up to other databases? In a comparison of our native multi-model database with the document store MongoDB, the graph store Neo4j, another multi-model database OrientDB and a relational database PostgreSQL, we run benchmark tests using Node.js and the SNAP social network data-set from Pokec.

Our complete test setup is available on GitHub. We update the results as we receive pull requests and improvements. For more information on our complete series, see Benchmark.

UPDATE Benchmark 2018

ArangoDB Cluster Performance

How does ArangoDB stack up in terms of cluster performance? We deployed ArangoDB in a cluster with 640 virtual CPU’s and found that it could sustain a write-load of 1.1 million JSON documents, an equivalent of 1GB, per second.

In this blog post, we explain how we set up the deployment on 80 nodes, using the Mesosphere Datacenter Operating System (DCOS).

ArangoDB Cluster Performance WP

ArangoGraph Insights Platform: Cloud Service for ArangoDB

ArangoGraph Insights Platform provides fully hosted, managed, and monitored cluster deployments of any size with enterprise-grade security. Focus on your application; our specialists take care of the rest.